Know anything about fixing block walls?

My garage is cinder block walls. A bunch of blocks are loose, both in the middle bottom of the walls and in the corners. There are ways to make the structure more stable that I am going to do, like put stringers at the roofline. Right now the roof is practically unsupported.

But aside from improving the design, does anybody have any masonry skills and/or advice to pass along? I’m pretty sure I’m going to do something along the lines of ripping off all the siding, and re-mortaring all the loose blocks. I think I remember reading something about expanding concrete or something like that.

I’m also tempted to rip down the whole structure and rebuild it out of 2x4 framing, since that would be a bit more flexible and better suited to the sinking/swelling/floating Am-Ton earth. But then again that would be about 10x’s more work than fixing it, so I guess that’s just the over-engineer in me.

So, aside from reinforcing the structure and improving the drainage/grading… How do I fix the blocks?

Oh, and if you don’t know anything but know a good company/person to contact pass that along too. :tup:

Just repoint it with mortar… I can swing by sometime this week and show ya what to do… i do building restoration for a living…PM sometime during the week…

Awesome! I will do that!

grind out the bad mortar and repoint with good mortar… thats it!

pretty much what he said… but theres a reason why its cracking and it will just do it again if you dont dont fix it the correct way…probably just the garage settling a bit but we can fix that pretty easy…:slight_smile:

It’s a 50 year old house and the garage doesn’t look like it’s built with the strongest design, so it’s probably just the toll of time and now someone finally owns the house that wants to stop it. :tup:

Im sure that wall is allot tuffer then u think…If you plan on painting it theres a awsome paint called colorflex we use for brick and block… When applied correctly it will last for 20+ years…


…better suited to the sinking/swelling/floating Am-Ton earth.


kinda like (not mine, but in amherst):

cell phone pics, sorry.

oh yea… one little crack not fixed before it gets cold can do that… the water gets in the crack and when it freezes it expands and moves anything in its way…If thats from sinking u gotta caulk it and hope for the best…

You’ve got a PM. :tup: