Info and looking to hire a Mud jacker?

Looks like I could save some money by having someone pump cement under my garage floor to raise it above grade.

No, I have not even gone as far as to look in the phone book as I will not even be thinking about it until spring time.

Any one have this done, or know places that offer the service?

I havnt done that, but I have jacked up the garage and had a company re-pour the floor. It turned out really nice. any concrete company will form and pour it.

Did you break up the floor 1st?

I have large cracks that like to get larger in winter.

That seems like a poor foundation for new concrete.

lol thought this was going to be NWS

My cousin does contracting, I’ll see what advice he might have for you.

yes, I broke up the floor first with a sledge hammer. Then had a new 4" thick slab poured. We also had to put in a new approach to the garage because it was 4" higher than the driveway. It worked well, and is still standing.

What kind of elevation change are you tring to achieve?
4" or so?

4" would be good.

The sills have rotted away from years of neglect and water damage.
Dirt and stones seem to wash right in.

I need it to be above grade. Then I had planned on jacking it up and putting a row of
cinder blocks under a new sill.

I can’t afford a new garage, So I’m thinking about ways to fix mine. From about 8" up, everything is fine… It was even made with REAL 2x4’s.

But, If all my repair efforts would cost as much as a new one, I would just have to tear mine down and start from scratch.

our garage had the same problems. We didnt want to build a new one, because it required new building permit, and the garage was too close to the neighbors garage/property line or something like that, so we decided to just fix the floor and some of the bottom boards. We didnt want to just lift the garage floor because the old floor was all crappy and cracked.

Mine is litterally in the back corner of my lot…
I doubt they would let me build a new on in it’s existing location too.

How much did your repairs run you?
I’m more of a DIY guy, and I have friends with jackhammers :slight_smile:

yea, I did everything my self, except the concrete. I had a company do that. I’ll have to check about the price.

It sounds like it is built on a slab, maybe.
Do you know if it has a frost wall and footer?
If you pour a new floor it will probably do the same thing.

I’m sure it is just a slab.
I doubt they did anything special back in the 50’s.

A new floor would have to be above grade, and ideally place the sill above the floor and have some sort of curve next to it so that water would draing away.

I should add that tree roots were growing under the garage causing the floor to crack originally. we also had the tree cut down in the back yard before fixing the garage floor.

Anyone have any updates on a service like this?

Or know how much a new pad would be?
I can probably manage removing most of my existing…
(MrSmith could use the exercise ;))

If I had the money to build a new garage, I’m sure the town would screw me with location and construction details.

My folks just had this done last fall. I was impressed big time. I can get the name

You said it has big cracks so mud jacking probably isn’t a good idea. You generally would do that when the concrete is in really good shape but just not level.

I had several slabs of my patio and driveway done and was really impressd with the result and cost savings vs breaking up and pouring new. But, my concrete was in perfect condition, just shifted.

Moved and thread title changed.

Yea, there are some large cracks. The concrete in my garage is by far the best of my property. My whole driveway is a cracked mess. The winters are not kind to it at all.

If I can get something that will work for a few years I would be OK with that. It all depends on the cost vs. a new pour. I’ll have to investigate both. It might be affordable for new pour if I can dig it up myself.
(most likely, I’ll put it off for another year or two and just keep complaining about it :()

anyinfo yet about “mud jacker” … I need to bring something up about a inch but there is about 10+ tons of brick on it!! … my chimney(fire place) is on said slab and it cracked …

stay tuned…
If I get any i’ll post it.