kramerbuccs24's Altima SER



:umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm

whyd you waste a ton of money on a JWT clutch setup when they are just rebranded with the JWT name and jacked up in price?

Same goes for say there cams, which are made my shneider… and the only reason they jack up the price is the JWT name and the fact that they wont disclose their grind specs

The clutch needed to be replaced anyway and my tranny is in 1,000 pieces at the dealership right now getting the throw-out bearing replaced. Also got a great deal on the LSD. All in all, it’s about $700 more than simply getting a new OEM clutch, which is needed anyways.

Sounds like a good deal to me ;D

And Mackenzie, were you talking to me about the JWT stuff? I’ve talked to 5+ people who have the JWT clutch/flywheel setup in their V6 Altimas about couldn’t be happier. I’m getting both the clutch and flywheel brand new for $660 shipped so it’s definitely worth it in my book.

Sooooo, you’re wasting $700 that you will never see again? :umm

Think whatever you want to think, but I’ll certainly “see” it in auto x next year.

:umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm :umm


I never said JWT Stuff wasnt any good, but I gurantee you coulda spent 200 less and got the same results, as i said JWT doesnt make a lot of their own product, they just rebrand it and put a nice markup on it…

I forget who makes JWTs clutches now im sure itll come to mee sooner or later

probably ACT

I don’t think so, there’s practically nothing on their website for my car:

doesnt mean they dont make it exclusivly for JWT

No i think its either DXD or Competition that makes JWTS

money into cars is always like that.

to be fair, add up your gas for a year. That amount you’ll never see again, and its basically a Fee to drive your car.

Good shite man… Woah 15 lb down from 49 lb? Is it necessary to bump up the idle on that so you can take of in first without juddering? Then again I guess you have enough torque…

People have used the Fidanza 11lb without any problems so I’ll be okay ;D

Kramer you might need a street tune.

It is a legitimate possibility. Since there will be less drivetrain restriction now and I will have a LOT less backpressure with my new mufflers, I will have to consider it. I’m just not sure if I can gather the 5,000,000,000,000 yen necessary for a genuine JDM street tune. This, of course, is where you ship your car to Japan for 3-4 weeks to get your car tuned in the parking garages and streets of Tokyo, the scene of the shooting of the greatest movie of all time, Need for Speed: Tokyo Drift.

Y’all are full of $hit. Check your JDM to English Jictionaires…

It’s actually 5,234,459,328,304,230 YEN, AND to get to the tuning shop you have to drift around two JDM hoezzzz in a white R34 AND get their number (while in the drift, thereby beating Han- NOT a Japanese name by the way).

After you do that, you will be CONSIDERED for a “Steet Tune”

note to Caz- It’s steet not street get it right doo ;D ;D

i duno about you, but when i was in japan, it was nothing but skylines, 350z’s, FD’s and Silvias and Evo’s drifting around, with japanese gangsters and random whiteboys… and when in tokyo, they clear the street for a perfect drift, everytime you roll through