kramerbuccs24's Altima SER

sickk… bunch of bone stock cars.

:confused okay?

UPDATE 1/12/09

As some of you know, I’ve been looking to get rid of my car and move into something cheaper, RWD and with track potential for quite a while. I’ll be going college at either Fordham (literally across the street from the Bronx Zoo) or Northeastern (from the roof of one of the senior dorms you can look into and watch a game at Fenway Park), so I wouldn’t be taking the SER to school anyway. There are 2 subway stations on campus at Fordham and 3 at Northeastern. On top of that, I’ll STILL owe $504/month on a car I’ll only be able to drive a few months out of the year.

So the game plan is to trade the car into Armory in March (my car is worth the most in March/April/May) for a 2007 Jeep Compass. I know it sounds very, very gay, but my sister turns 16 in March (no pix, sry) and will have her license by August when I’ll be leaving for school, and this is the car that my dad was going to go 50/50 with her on anyways (she’s already got a few grand saved up from babysitting). My dad won’t have to pay sales tax on the Jeep because of my trade in, so he said he’ll pass that ~$1,000 savings on to me. I’ll drive the Jeep until I go to school and won’t pay anything for it except gas, and then by the time my sister is ready to drive it full time to school/her babysitting jobs, I’ll be gone. It’ll work out great for all three of us (my dad, my sister, and myself).

I’ll still keep my 3 jobs and work my ass off over the summer, but instead of the money going directly to my dad for car payments, it’ll just be piling up in the bank. I’m very excited to actually be able to afford to have more than $50 in my wallet this summer, I couldn’t do that last summer.

Between what I’ve got in the SER so far (factoring in depreciation), the ~$1,000 from the “no sales tax” bonus from my dad, and the money I’ll make this summer, I expect to have $13,000-15,000 stowed away before I leave for school. Then, during the late fall/early winter, when the prices will be as low as they’ll get, I’ll start my search for an e36 M3 coupe. I’ll get it looking and running right over the winter and come spring '10 I’ll be back in action with a fully paid off M3 with money to spare :smiley:

Overall, I’m both very happy and pretty sad about this whole situation. I really do love the SER, I love the way it looks and the way it drives around town and on the highway and the torque and intake/exhaust note put a smile on my face every time, but it’s just not practical right now for me, both financially and with how I’m looking to get into auto X and HPDE’s more seriously. An M3 will fit my budget, taste, and driving style like a glove, and it’s worth missing a season of LVD/auto X/HPDE’s in order to get it.

I’m sure some of you will doubt me and say “ah, he’s just a punk kid, he’ll change his mind 2372345 times between now and next fall”, but trust me, this is for real :slight_smile: I had been telling my friends since the summer of '07 that I’d be getting an 05-06 Altima SER 6MT in the spring of '08, and I don’t think a single one believed me, but look what happened :up

Epic fail

pics of sister plz

^^^Attach & post a pic^^^


what a sukker.

i wanted to make sure it came up , dont go gettin ur panties all wet.


if you’re going to insult someone in my thread, do it right plz

or maybe i’ll c ya at da track nd stomp you out out in the turnez.

E36 or bust.

Yeah I was going to point that out as well…:retardclap

:rofl:rofl I just can’t wait to see you auto X, unless you bitch out… you v Rami would be GREAT in auto X.

And do you guys think a 2.4L 4cyl 172bhp CVT Jeep Compass could take the MR2 from a dog?? :ohnoes

with me in the mr2, i’ll be waving :pete out the window

Just looked it up, it runs a 17.5, I think Rami ran a 16.8 in the MRshit, I dunno. Bottom line is it would be sort-of close, and that is pathetic :rofl :rofl

Just got neg rep from this post saying: “If you don’t get it, you never will. FAIL!”
:crazy :rofl

and you’ll love it.

it’s a hoax
