krazyjon all is lost

Time to find a new job?

i remember reading this on howard forums awhile ago


Time to find a new job?


lol… you think that’s the only “secret room”… think again. your data is not private. never will be. i can write a book on this topic. but for good reading lookup the actual appeal - No. 06-17137, its been on my table in my office for the last few months. when this came out it was big news. essentially, in the appeal, the govt hides behind the “national security” blanket, which it rightfully should. I was at a conference last month and met some of the admins that monitor the “secret room’s” from a cave in Virginia. Needless to say, they dont have budgets, buy what they want and help keep america secure. research THIS … its not called echelon anymore, and its a lot more powerful today, than it was years ago. ever watch 24 or alias and hear about SIGINT… that shit is REAL. but the normal person, for some reason, cant conceptualize the power and need for such a system.

and im not looking for another job, I’m being recruited :snky:


i remember reading this on howard forums awhile ago


ya, this is old news. it was plastered all over cnn, wired and the like for days.