lady problems.

i called her fat 27 times in 5 pages. there’s nothing she can do about it.

daniel, you’re right.


if you weren’t so fat i’d marry you dawn. you never argue with me. i just can not afford to feed you.

i’m working on the weight issue.
soon baby, soon.




argh bring this thread back to life as i have to go to work now :frowning:

K ill save it

maybe a tad nws, chicks in undies

Quit your whining or I will hit you with Doc Johnson… Fat-a-saurus Rex…

+1 a post with substance.

poor newman

so, I found an old frenchfry today, under my car seat. I know where it’s been, whoring a ride with me everyday. Should I eat it? Return it for another?

newman threw doc johnson at me once. it kind of hurts. and yes i was fully clothed…

WTF I didn’t call Dawn fat. ( did I? )

You’re fat too, Fatty McFatterson.

I dont think so, i think you aimed your attention at chickinajeep or whatever her name is. I feel neglected cause i tried to friend her and she didn’t accept :frowning:

I know. That’s why I thought I could get away with poking fun at another fat person, because… like… we are one in the same. I didn’t think I’d be berated for it.

Kinda like how blacks call each other black terms, or gays call each other gay terms, etc… and no one is offended.

:lol: this thread sucks now

^Is that not sureshot!'s old sig?

yes it is, cuz it still says “sureshot!” in the right bottom corner.