lancaster 9/22/07 saturday

no, that thread sucks more…

good point.

no need for the talk until the cars can come to play.

I’ll be out tonite if anyone wants to play.

I got out of work too late tonight.Maybe next time.Sorry I couldn’t make it.

i seen you by your car but didnt see you race, not like id have a chance anyway

o ya! new best time of 10.3 yay

i dont wanna talk about it…

i shouldn’t have expected much having never launched my car, or any stick car, ever…with shitty street tires…but i really didn’t think i’d do as shitty as i did.

hrese some pics today of my car with the slicks on it, i made 3 runs with slicks then swapped my street tires back on

i seen ya i was guna see if you wanted to run em, never happened tho =[

Well what did ya run?

started off running 10.3’s or so with a 3.2 or so 60’…i am teh suck at launching…either bogging down, or hopping like crazy…every time…

ended the night with a 2.3 60’ and a 9.72 1/8 at i think 78 or 79? i dont know…the slips are all in the car…i plan on using them to wipe my ass later…

ha but it did make my night when during the burnout contest…BigEd was a contender…and when the announcer was asking the crowd to vote via applaud, he went to ed and asked his name…to which ed responded “ed”…and sure enough, the announcer referred to him as Big Ed…lol…

i also entered the bass off, and lost my guarenteed trophy because i hit the wrong button on my radio my loudest hit was 133 db which isnt bad for 2 12,s in a sealed box and a 350 watt alpine mono block

You musta been spinning your ass off to trap 78 mph on a 9.7 run.I know I ran a 9.4 at 77 or so and I was spinning badly.Still a decent time though.Knock down those 60’ times and get some real numbers.What did you expect the car to run?Is it your first time on the track with it?

air was really good later on and the track held out… 1.60 sixty foot with a 7.34 with 93mph… was happy with that… i figured i would loose sixty with the 3.55 gears but guess not…also cut a .5000 light that was a first and may be last…

which mustang was yours? i think i raced you

That BOV on that red 300z is crazy loud.

Had a good time.

Man I wish I woulda went now.Damn working to late and crazy traffic on Union,And damn Union being all kinds of fucked up right now.Really slows the commute down.It’s not even when they are working ethier.Peeps are just scared to drive down Union because it is grooved pavement at the moment.

union is like an obstacle course with all the raised manhole covers, cones, and slow drivers and shit. almost hit a fucking deer too tonite

Dam, i didnt know all you guys were so slow, what the hell? I went to Lancaster mid September last year with a stock accord and ran a 10.3 at 72 with a 3600lb automatic underpowered accord…