lap top keyboard issues

I am having trouble with one of the buttons on my laptop. Its the “i” button I have to hit it really hard and it feels as if somethng s stuck under it. Can I pop it off and clean it out? What’s the best way to fix iit? Thanx :slight_smile:

BTW, its a Dell D610…

And that key is anoying as F#uck!!!

Usually on most laptops you can pop the keys off. Gotta be careful with some as they use thin plastic clips to hold them in. (Like on my 10+ year old tank of a compaq :lol:)

They usually pop out easy enough.

yea tehy will pop off…i like fuzzy said becareful

What is the proper technique?

work…careful is good…

example…my friend no longer has a “B” button on his laptop :lol:

Best way to test it is find a key you never use. (Like tilde, or scroll lock) And try pushing up very gently at the bottom of the key with a flat screwdriver. (VERY LIGHTLY if I didn’t emphasize that already :))

If that doesn’t work try it on the top. Sometimes when pushing you may need to give the key a little push to the front or back to get it out of it’s clip. But make sure you test it with a key you never use first that way if it breaks it’s not a big deal.

If you can’t get it off, try hitting it with some compressed air and hope it dislodges whatever is under it.