Anyone ever open a Dell laptop?

I’m afraid if I open it, I’ll lose warranty…

Is it somehow protected from morons like me opening it with a seal or anything?


Lol, mine has been opened several times… I dont remember breaking any seals to do it on my INspiron 9100, but it might be different with other models. Why do you wanna open it

why do you need to open it up… you can get to the hdd and ram w/o voiding your warrenty

A few of my keys died due to slight beer spillage at a gig.

I saved most of em by spraying contact cleaner, but I’m afraid I’m gonna need to take the keyboard out to fix the problem.

Also, is the keyboard replaceable?

it will void the warrenty. there are stickers and seals that youw ould have to break inorder to open it up. laptops are a PITA to put back together 2. took me like an hour to to

alot of laptop keyboards are replaceable

That’s what I wanted to know.

Do you have any suggestions on how to go about this?

I was planning on taking the keyboard out completely, using warm water all over the place, and then letting it air dry for a few days.

keyboard should be able to get taken off w/o taking it apart

look at the bottom under the alt / control keys… you should see little releases… it might be above the top row… you shoul dbe able to get your kwyboard off that way… there will most likely be one or two screws that you can unscrew from the bottom of the laptop to release the keyboard.

Awesome. I will look now.

there will also be a ribbon connecting the keyboard to the laptop… you should be able to jsut pull it off… there might be a little plastic release that u have to lift first… but look up the instruction manual online for your laptop, it should give you instructions on how to do it…

it’s an inspiron 5150 if that helps any.

edit: ok will do

yup. excatlly

Dell usually labels any screws on the bottom, too. Look for any marked “K”. These will need to come out to remove the keyboard.

I got her out, piece of cake.

Warm water, air dry?

I put a nice gouge in my LCD screen, so to test her, I put two in there. Har har, shes strong. The screwdriver dug in good…lol.

Dells suck when you try to put them back together once you have had the keyboard out…

Alright…30 bucks for the keyboard shipped, new oem.

Not too bad I guess.

sucks that happened. who spilled the beer?

Some random girl, when he was upstairs!!

if I remember correctly hahaha

what did the 5 fingers say to the face…ohh man that girl woulda got it

I’ve never had a problem with the ones I have done for work… There are like 5 screws and a ribbon connector…