February 10, 2013, 7:39am
it’s pretty incredible that this guy hasn’t been caught yet. don’t they say that if you can’t catch him within the first X hours you won’t catch him at all?
And also, just to toot my own horn a bit:
From the Aurora Thread : paraphrased:
there is a culture of one-up-manship amongst all these mass-killers…
That Brevik guy from Oslo is probably the worst offender… I really worry about how the next couple guys are going to try and beat that one. I suppose the only way to beat that would be to get away with it, release your agenda, then taunt the world … about how you got away with it and are going to do it again. i bet this happens within 24 months.
and then after that the next guy will do all those things and the way he one-ups is that his agenda is one everyone sympathizes with and then isn’t even mad about it… and people are pretty much okay with it thus spawning a new trend of socially acceptable massacres.
i was off on a few things