Movie theatre shooting

can you provide cliffs on the mcveigh tapes?

there is a culture of one-up-manship amongst all these mass-killers. I remember thinking after the Virginia Tech shooting that other than kill count the only way to really one-up the prior was to not kill yourself like the V-tech, Columbine, most other guys do.

That Brevik guy from Oslo is probably the worst offender what with the two separate coordinated attacks, the planning involved, the kill count, the fact that it was Norway, and then the fact that he totally wanted to be captured, grand-stand his anti-immigration agenda and revel in his sentencing… I really worry about how the next couple guys are going to try and beat that one. I suppose the only way to beat that would be to get away with it, release your agenda, then taunt the world via twitter et al about how you got away with it and are going to do it again. i bet this happens within 24 months.

and then after that the next guy will do all those things and the way he one-ups is that his agenda is one everyone sympathizes with and then isn’t even mad about it. Like a father of a dead soldier pulling this on the west borough baptists after they protest his son’s funeral and people are pretty much okay with it thus spawning a new trend of socially acceptable massacres.

putting this crap on the front page of CNN and every other news station in the world just feeds right into why these guys do this stuff anyways.