Movie theatre shooting

Why waste a good robot when they have a red haired tool they could send in first
Just sayn

This guy failed in life and looking like the Joker…um green hair not red hair buddy

Call me crazy but im really glad the guy dint end up dead in this whole ordeal. Im sure it sounds selfish but I never feel closure when these whack jobs off themselves or go down in a hail of gunfire in the end. I love hearing their motives and stories and what led them to the choices they made. The McVeigh tapes were so cool to listen too because it offered light into what was a seemingly disturbed yet intelligent guy was thinking before the OKC bombing. If at the least, it can give society some insight as to what to look for in mental health or a lack there of in seemingly normal people.



can you provide cliffs on the mcveigh tapes?

there is a culture of one-up-manship amongst all these mass-killers. I remember thinking after the Virginia Tech shooting that other than kill count the only way to really one-up the prior was to not kill yourself like the V-tech, Columbine, most other guys do.

That Brevik guy from Oslo is probably the worst offender what with the two separate coordinated attacks, the planning involved, the kill count, the fact that it was Norway, and then the fact that he totally wanted to be captured, grand-stand his anti-immigration agenda and revel in his sentencing… I really worry about how the next couple guys are going to try and beat that one. I suppose the only way to beat that would be to get away with it, release your agenda, then taunt the world via twitter et al about how you got away with it and are going to do it again. i bet this happens within 24 months.

and then after that the next guy will do all those things and the way he one-ups is that his agenda is one everyone sympathizes with and then isn’t even mad about it. Like a father of a dead soldier pulling this on the west borough baptists after they protest his son’s funeral and people are pretty much okay with it thus spawning a new trend of socially acceptable massacres.

putting this crap on the front page of CNN and every other news station in the world just feeds right into why these guys do this stuff anyways.

same. I’m sure this selfish COWARD is getting the shit kicked out of him daily in jail. I hope he suffers every single day before they execute him.

Aurora shooting suspect James Holmes jailed in solitary: ‘All the inmates were talking about killing him’
‘He was spitting at the door and spitting at the guards,’ a just-released inmate told the Daily News. ‘He’s spitting at everything. Dude was acting crazy.’
On the suspect’s first night in jail, other prisoners serenaded him with a chant of “kid killer” — a reference to the fatal shooting of a 6-year-old girl.
“Let’s just say he hasn’t shown any remorse,” the employee said. “He thinks he’s acting in a movie.”

Welcome to your local pharmacy. Any good combat engineer can make significant explosives from things readily available.

Completely agree with all of that. As humans we naturally want to go as far inside of these things as we can. The fact that it justifies his means makes it pretty sad but I rather have the worlds eyes fixed on this for the next few months over The Jersey Shore or some shit.

McVeigh tapes consisted of him very precisely and articulately diagnosing and justifying everything from his upbringing to his decisions and how they all intertwined. Basically he believed the military/country he served for wronged him and the only way to rebuild what he thought was a mess of a country was through destruction blah blah blah. Obviously any sane human could see right through his sell righteous blabber but the fact that he was educated, well spoken and did have logical reason behind his motives is what made it so interesting. You really felt “wow, this could be the completely normal coworker sitting next to me or the guy down the street.”

Granted now, our boy Jamie Holmes is appearing to be more and more of a youhoo as this thing plays out, its still crazy to see someone who was so seemingly intelligent and who had an actual clinical knowledge of how mental health works, go off and do something like this. Its kind of how you feel for Hannibal Lecter in SOTL lol.

Did I miss this being posted?

Currently in Aurora, Colorado, where the shooting took place, there are already laws prohibiting the carry of a concealed dangerous weapon (though unenforced, due to state law),* discharge firearms,** unless by law enforcement on duty or on shooting range, and have a loaded firearm in motor vehicle within the city limits.***
Yet these laws were unable to stop James Holmes.

This is exactly what I was thinking took the words right out of my mouth. I tend not to get to involved in such discussions but this can’t go unvoiced. Pretty weird how everyone talks so highly of him and being an honour student and then he would basically flip a switch in the head and go nuts. I’m very interested to know the human brain and why these such things happen.

Read today that he had a 100 round drum magazine in the AR-15 but it jammed. Had it not this probably would have been a lot worse.

Yeah they said that like 2 days ago.

FBI profilers seem to think there is a really good chance that he’s a schizophrenic as a lot of mental illnesses don’t affect people until they are in their 20’s.

No way he has mental issues?

Quit being a douchebag. Of course he most likely has mental health issues it’s just a question of what.

The only reason a name gets wrapped around whatever mental issues he has is for defense at trial.

I am willing to bet he is just getting tortured in jail. He looked like he was falling asleep at his hearing today…

Just crawled out from my rock to see this retard for the first time. Hair notwithstanding, he looks like an idiot. Should go Mel Gibson Braveheart torture on his ass.

I haven’t followed it at all, I was actually quite annoyed at how much publicity this got and now that I know why it did, I understand. I just hate how the media takes it to another level.

This isn’t some snow storm that never materialized. The guy killed 12 and injured 50+. You can’t really fault the media for the massive coverage. It’s a huge story, especially since it has that, “this could happen anywhere” side to it. Then unlike most mass shootings the where the story ends with the shooter dead this guy is taken alive. This story is going to be in the news for a long time as we dissect this guys mind in pre-trial and trial.