Laptop LCD Monitor Repair?

Hey guys, I’m looking to see if anyone knew a place to face laptop LCD monitors. Just got a 3rd crack on my laptop monitor… Need to fix it soon before it gets worse, I think this recent crack happened from the cold weather. So i’m afraid that it’ll crack even more before this semester’s over! :mad:

Hopefully this wont be too hard on my wallet :#

P.S. It’s a Sony Vaio TX-Series if that matters… 11" Widescreen XBRITE technology thingy.


what exactly cracked on it? have the films shifted inside at all ? (there will be un-uniform light distribution)
Let me know

Hmm… not sure what you mean by films shifted inside…

But I do know that there’s a black splotch of ink in the center of one of the cracks spread out. From that black splotch, there’s also another crack from the black spot that is in a line straight up with little bitch of ink inside it.
Then there’s another BIG circle crack all the way from the black then circle around the screen and back to the black spot…

Sorry for the poor description, I’ll take a picture of it later…