Laptop problem

I can’t use my laptop to connect to the internet through IE or Mozilla. IE hasn’t worked for sometime now, it just says “IE cannot display the web page” no matter what site I try to go to.

My connection to the internet is good and that work offline box is not checked.

Mozilla was working until today when it automatically loaded an update. After that, it won’t even open. I double click on it, the hourglass comes up for a second and nothing happens.

I already tried a system restore to see if that would correct Mozilla but no dice.

I suppose removing either program and reloading them new would work, but how do I do that without actually downloading them from the net through either of those two browsers??

I do have another laptop I can use to try to remedy the problem just not the know how. Please help.

In your internet options, is anything checked for the Use a Proxy Server section?

Does your other laptop work on your network?

Open a command prompt and type IPCONFIG /ALL

are you getting a 169.254.. address? That means it isn’t gonna work.

It’s hard to diagnose a problem like this remotely unless you’re there answering questions and doing the troubleshooting on your end :slight_smile:

Let us know if the one laptop works and the other doesnt. Maybe it’s your network that is down. If not, we’ll troubleshoot the laptop and trace the problem.

The other laptop works fine. I’m using it right now.

I did what you posted, and it came up with for the IP address.

None of the boxes are checked.

Thanks for the suggestions. I’m sorry if my responses are delayed. I hate having to borrow someone else’s laptop just to get on the net. is the IP of the router/default gateway.

Do you know how to get into Network Connections and check to see if you have the numbers set manually or if they are getting automatically assigned?

I’m curious if you have a static(manually set) number in there anywhere.

Do an IPCONFIG /all on the working and non working and compare the IP address, Subnet Mask, Default gateway and the DNS numbers.

The DNS numbers are what gets you to the internet websites, BTW :slight_smile:

Where abouts do you live? Perhaps you could come check it on my network and see what’s what…

Did I miss what provider you have?

Provider is Verizon Fios.

No static number. Both Obtain IP address automatically and obtain DNS server automatically are checked.

IPv4 address is the only thing different between the working and non working laptop.

Working has

Nonworking has

Thanks for the offer. I may need to take you up on that! I’m in Kenmore, so not too far.

EDIT: My friend was over last night and was going to look at it as he’s a computer guy, but we got too busy drinking beers and forgot about it. He seemed to think it was a virus.

Provider is Verizon Fios.

No static number. Both Obtain IP address automatically and obtain DNS server automatically are checked.

IPv4 address is the only thing different between the working and non working laptop.

Working has

Nonworking has

Thanks for the offer. I may need to take you up on that! I’m in Kenmore, so not too far.

Boot into Safe Mode with Networking and try the internet there. If it doesn’t work, it’s not a virus.

It could be a bunch of stuff. Virus/Spyware included.

Since you have a “computer guy” friend who will probably help you for free, I won’t offer my services. :slight_smile: