Only Certain Websites Won't Load ...

my aunt called me the other day and told me her laptop is acting up. so today was a family party and I got the chance to look at it. internet explorer will load most pages perfectly fine (like nyspeed, since that’s how I’m posting right now), but sites like aol mail and facebook just error out right away. I tried to install firefox, but that won’t even load any pages. Any ideas on what could be the problem?

Computer is broke

is it set up with a static ip? if it is, change your dns to (verizon if iirc) i had the same issue, and thats what it was. worked fine for a while, but i’m assuming time warners server was having problems.

what kinda firewall/security programs are on that computer?

What ISP is she using? TW? Verizon?

Have you tried restarting the laptop? and the router?

Find a website that doesn’t open like facebook

Open a command prompt type “tracert” with out the " and hit enter. Post results.

Posting the results of “ipconfig /all” from the command prompt might also be useful.

im having very similar problems, and i think it roots back to my tard roommate downloading something he shouldnt have :ham:

download ram bro

the ISP they use is time warner. I know it has to be a problem with the laptop since they have a wireless router, which the desktop is hard wired to, and that loads the pages without any problems. i’ll have to look at it more when I go back over tomorrow. thanks for the input everyone!