Larger front sway increases understeer?

Well all that jazz was interesting.

:rofl Dyin here.

Lmao im about to get laid brb

back, minute man FTW!

Don’t due, then we won’t have any jackass BMW raceaz to huminiate me!

I meant to say HUMILIATE

ok soooo we have street racing, Dale Earnhardt, and ass plowing fans in this thread


you mother fuckers


What if fucking christ did I miss in this thread since my first post. LMAO!

soooo OP hasn’t replied…

Sooo there was ‘bitches’ in your house, and you’re on Beer #9…and decide to get on Shift and argue nonsense with your internet butt buddies?

I guess it makes sense now, owning a honda and all.

you’re replies suck today.

Your gay

Your* replies suck today, too.

Damn, beat me.

I wouldn’t reply if I was him either :rofl:rofl

And I have no further comments on who the Altima SER driver was that the TS was talking about in the OP…:D:rofl

and it’s SER, not Se-r, get it right. SHIT IS SRS!

You guys are all pussies

not the guy that drank 9 smirnoff ices then ran his mouth, i dunno anyone that could drink that many of those

Heh ro how ror rou guys?

Is that all you can come up with after the pwnage?

:bow CLASSIC cazwrx move. we’re hanging out at my house putting dkid’s sway in, he says to bobby “you should get a front sway to decrease your understeer even more”, i sayz, “uhhh, no, cazwrx” and proceed to explain how it would increase understeer, Charlie Murphy calls me “ig’nant” and does a real-life facepalm, shaking of the head, and muttering incoherent insults to express how “wrong” i am, comes home to make a fread on shift518 to assert his e-dominance over kramerbuttz, only to realize he is very much incorrect and i was right, then tries to change the subject with a post such as…

gotta love it :up

BTW the compass will pull a better 60ft than the wrx.
