You guys all suck and keep quiet!
easy there, mr. “i’ve been doing turbos since day one”
Some hardcore gangbangers in this thread!
maybe you shoodn’t get all hyped up for nuttin.
you know it. you still down for a little T&C action next sunday?
youre just jealous that me and andrew clearly know more about JDM parts than you do.
Well I’m not completely wrong, and you aren’t completely right. What I said is correct under certain circumstances. As many people in this thread have stated, there are a huge amount of variables that would determine a cars handling. The question I posed can not be answered universally. It all varies from car to car.
Bobby’s Si would benefit from a larger front sway bar to compliment the larger rear sway bar he put in. :up
You were not right, neither was I. :retardclap
Have fun driving the compass around corners :rofl
NO, its not like i put a 50mm rear sway bar on my car. Its a 21 mm off of an 06 type-s.
and you have a 14mm on the front so get a 21mm for the front
I will, as I will be saving my own money for a car I’ll pay for upfront with cash.
You have fun cutting 60ft’s that can’t beat my FWD Altima’s in a car that daddykins bought you :mamoru:
so now you’re suggesting he downsizes?? he has 24.5 front stock :retardclap
howp, call out.
Another ignorant statement. Out of the 11,500 I owed for the car, I now owe 4 grand. I’m sorry if I don’t have grand parents who give me thousands of dollars to put in a CD.
What the fuckkkkk??? My grandparents split new tires with me when I bought the car, if you must know. The only CD that has ever been involved in my car was the $5800 one I made when I was 15 :retardclap:retardclap
Where do you come up with these statistics? lmao.
And by the way, bobby’s stock front sway is 24.5mm, so no you’re suggesting he downsizes to decrease understeer, when you just said the opposite would be true? Just stick to running 15’s in a car capable of running 13’s, that’s all you seem to be good at
I didn’t have $5800 when I got the wrx, I had my Audi :rofl
Bobby told me he had a 14mm front and rear sway bar, If he really has a 24.5mm (real random number) then he should keep it as is.
Ignorance yet again. If you don’t know about wrx transmissions by now, I have no idea what to do with you :retardclap
All you seem to be good at is making excuses about why you can’t track or auto x your Altima this summer.
who cares, you both suck and thats that.
crazywrx a bit more so.
Although I like the shots you guys take at each other… carry on