Last week with the car

Well the new owner takes posession next Monday, so starting tonight I decided I will try to take a pictures by places I drive by daily and never took the time to snap a picture.

u holding out a lil while longer for a new V? whats the plan once its gone on Monday?

Drive the winter beater and start stacking cash waiting for the right deal on a 2009 CTS-V. But that probably won’t happen till Feb/Mar.
Another plan is to pick something else up while I wait, but nothing is finalized there yet.

I’m a big fan of these.

Overall impressions?

It is a great Grand Touring type of vehicle. Very comfortable and great hwy manners. Can get around 25 MPG if you keep it around 72 MPH, and most of the time I averaged around 20 on a tank (new one is 12/18 rating). While it is fairly quick off the line, the wheel hop and differential problems kept me hesitant from really launching the car. After the bushing kit and the newer diff I have been more confident and had no issues (but still don’t launch the car hard).
The car handles well, sits down in corners, and has huge brakes. Car has only given me minor issues and never stranded me anywhere.
With these dropping so low in resale, the aftermarket has really picked up on these in the last year.

Let me know if you have any other questions.


The wheels look a ton like RS4 replicas.

Interesting. They also look a ton like the SRX wheels

i like this car… not CTSV’s… this one in particular

Thanks for the compliment.
I feel I did tasteful appearance mods and a nice blend of performance mods to make it more fun to drive but still DD reliable.

People still get confused when I tell them it is a 2004. I think clearing the fogs may have updated the look. Similar to adding projectors to pre 99.5 A4s.

Well it is gone.
But a fun night no the less. Got a home cooked meal from his wife and a fun boat ride out of it.

The “well it’s gone” and the last picture make it seem like you just abandoned it somewhere in Detroit. :slight_smile:

That probably would have resulted with more cash in my pocket, but a lot of insurance hassle.

So what’s next again?

I believe he wants to buy a 09 CTS-V.

We will have to see what I hit the streets with next spring.
Priorities can change or something new and shiney could drive by and catch my eye. But the new V is high on my list right now.

ever put any thought into an AMG?

Yep. I almost bought one rather than my V. But for the same money I was spending on a 36k mile V, it was going to be a 60k mile AMG.
I am not a huge fan of owning a german car out of warranty. Granted some of the CPO programs are pretty solid.

Also the fact I park in the Ren Cen daily does weigh into the decision slightly.