laundry in an apartment building?!?!

ok, so what do you do… you’ve put your wash in and it finishes right when the person using the driers load is done.

you wait around for fuckin an hour without having them come get their shit out so others can use it… do you

a. take the laundry out and set it on the drier so you can use it?
b. write a nasty note and leave it on the drier telling them to be more respectful of others in the building?
c. wait until they finally get off their ass so you can do your own shit?

this is the second time this has happened to me and both times I did (A)

first time I was able to get 4 LOADS (yes, you read it right) before they had the time to come get their shit out. pisses me right off man… I time my shit so I’m sitting right there when it finishes so I dont hold others up. Is it really too much to ask?

d. pull a toda.

always A … you really can’t get mad about it if your the one fucking up … if your really worried about it you can fold their cloths for them … but i woulden’t

E) be like the chick in fight club and just sell the clothes.

i wish everyone just left their friggin basket on top of the dryer like i do

i rule

those fucks

Move their shit. I was really bad at coming back on time so I never took it personally when my shit was moved. Hell a couple times I even came back to folded clothes!