Lauren Scruggs walks into spinning aircraft prop

Jennas one smart mf’er actually. I think she has more “common sense” than I do!

I got technical with the prop dimensions. Because it was brought up as “hard to tell their size”. Not saying people need to analyze everything down to the pitch of a prop to understand it, all I am saying is its not hard at all to avoid walking into it if you can put two and two together. Its BIG (safty’s sake over estimate this one), its spinning REALLY FAST (dumb blonde might think oscillating fan in their house) and its attached to the wing. “I might not want to walk near the wing” is all that needed to go through their head to avoid this!

Someone makes a mistake. lets say jambs their finger in the trunk after putting away a box full of new porno (just had a great time buying it, and cant wait to get home and watch it!) becasue they were not paying attention and were probably distracted from the good time they are about to have. Thats a dumb, but a no big deal mistake. Something to laugh about and feel a little sorry about.

Somoone makes a mistake. Lets say they fall off a cliff, probably distracted from just banging this girl for the first time off in the woods next to a nature trail. Picture the walking path is 30 feet wide. If they were walking riiiiiiight next to the edge, and fell that’s pretty fucking stupid. Thats a dumb, fucking, mistake. NOT something to laugh about, and not something I would feel sorry about, since it could have been avoided by walking on the OPPOSITE side of the 30 foot wide trail!!!

Fucking right I am stubborn! How hard is it for people to draw a line between an honest Opps and a “your a fucking moron for not thinking, Opps”.
