Lauren Scruggs walks into spinning aircraft prop

I’m also glad she didn’t died.

Ilya, you drunk?

That was on purpose…:facepalm. Kind of like those lolcat pics haha.



and btw she lost an eye too

Makes me wonder why they don’t paint the prop tips day-glow orange or something similar, it really can be difficult to see something spinning that fast. Really sucks for her, especially being a model.

People loose fingers, eyes, limbs and lives constantly due to things like this, ‘common’ sense is not as common as one might think. Look at how many boards have threads about people losing fingers cleaning a motorcycle chain. Dimensions of the spinning prop are hard to gauge, and it can be almost invisible depending on the angle. A momentary distraction is all it takes.

No doubt. People make mistakes all the time, its a life lesson. And the dimensions are NOT hard to gauge. Look at the distance from the prop nut in the center to THE GROUND. It sure as hell isnt any longer than that!!! So if that distance is 8 feet, a min distance of 16 feet away gives you atleast an 8 foot buffer!

It just befuddles me that the first thing just about EVERYONE who exits a plane like that looks for as they are walking through the door is WHERE IS THE DAMN PROP! Then where do I want to walk, and head far, far away from the prop!

Its like being at the zoo, would you feel sorry for some moron that looses an hand becasue they put their hands next to the bars of the tiger cage??? Fuck no. Smart people would stay the fuck away!

Wood your problem is you think everyone thinks with a mind like yours, that everyone has an engineers mind and thats just not the case. People dont look at everything and analyze every little thing, for some people thats just a shitty way to look at everything.

What your definition of common sense is vs what most of the populations version on common sense are two different things.

Chances are being who she was she never did anything technical, never dealt with any dirty hands on shit. Does that make her dumb or stupid? No, its how she was brought up can’t fault her for that, and with that being said to her a plane is a plane just like to most people, when she got out of it the last thing she was thinking of was the diemensions of the prop, she had a moment and even with the noise/wind probably just assumed it was because of the airport, probably distraced from the good time she just had.

You seriously cannot fault/make fun of someone because they did not analyze 10 million things leading up to the event. People make mistakes, and overlook things that does not make them dumb… Actually pisses me off a bit that your so stubborn and think she deserves it or just dont feel bad or wahtever you said because she made a mistake.

KK, you really think a model looks at everything in the world analytically?

I tend to think it’s more along the lines of this


Jennas one smart mf’er actually. I think she has more “common sense” than I do!

I got technical with the prop dimensions. Because it was brought up as “hard to tell their size”. Not saying people need to analyze everything down to the pitch of a prop to understand it, all I am saying is its not hard at all to avoid walking into it if you can put two and two together. Its BIG (safty’s sake over estimate this one), its spinning REALLY FAST (dumb blonde might think oscillating fan in their house) and its attached to the wing. “I might not want to walk near the wing” is all that needed to go through their head to avoid this!

Someone makes a mistake. lets say jambs their finger in the trunk after putting away a box full of new porno (just had a great time buying it, and cant wait to get home and watch it!) becasue they were not paying attention and were probably distracted from the good time they are about to have. Thats a dumb, but a no big deal mistake. Something to laugh about and feel a little sorry about.

Somoone makes a mistake. Lets say they fall off a cliff, probably distracted from just banging this girl for the first time off in the woods next to a nature trail. Picture the walking path is 30 feet wide. If they were walking riiiiiiight next to the edge, and fell that’s pretty fucking stupid. Thats a dumb, fucking, mistake. NOT something to laugh about, and not something I would feel sorry about, since it could have been avoided by walking on the OPPOSITE side of the 30 foot wide trail!!!

Fucking right I am stubborn! How hard is it for people to draw a line between an honest Opps and a “your a fucking moron for not thinking, Opps”.


They do, it’s mandated by FAA that at least 5" of the tip on both faces be covered in a highly contrasting color, typically red, white, yellow, or orange. White is actually the easiest to see, especially at night. Still doesn’t mean you always see it.

She was probably distracted. Or drunk. I can’t imagine anyone in their right mind making this mistake… Even @ idle, the prop generates a fair amount of thrust, a NOTICEABLE AMOUNT. The fact is, many people are oblivious to their surroundings (READ: too stupid to notice shit). Anyone with an IQ above that of a moldy sock should have enough common sense, awareness of surroundings, survival instinct, whatever you want to call it TO STAY THE FUCK OUT OF A SPINNING PROP.

the pussy’s still good to go amirite

So its JD + KK VS the world on this case I see.


Nothing new. :lol

and we are supposed to expect more than basic motor function who is a professional supermodel?

they need breathing coaches for fuck’s sake.

i mean im glad she didnt die, but seriously? it’s a goddamn airplane. it gets louder as you get closer to the spinny bit of it.

this is worth still debating about