Lawmaker wants to castrate vehicles

i want some on my civic… i liked them when they first can out but now they are as cool as windshield squriter lights

my cousin has blue ones on his nova, they match his car

lol, so retarded… they were funny until every other truck you see on the road has them (maybe over exadurating a little), but thats still retarded to outlaw them. Whats worse, a child possibly seeing blue plastic hanging from a truck, or teaching them to be ashamed of their own bodies? :uhh:

lol, you aren’t helping your cause man

" Spruill says the idea for the bill came to him after the daughter of one of the people in his district saw a pair of the testicles hanging from the back of a truck in traffic"

Hmm if thats the the case should he than outlaw nuts on guys? i mean lets face it shes probably had a dong bounced off of her forhead at some point. Would’nt she have seen some guynutz than? Truck nuts are tacky as all hell and I agree. Great indicators of guys compensating. But come on now, thats like outlawing those " support our troops" stickers because a hippie group was offended. i mean not to sound ignorant but i think there is an insane number of laws out there that govern our vehicles too much. Hell it’s only a matter of time untill our cars get towed for having cold air intakes and mufflers on them. Look at the laws in Calli. At one point (i think they still do this) they would in-pound street racer’s cars and make them wach their car get crushed. Just my two cents but I think people bitch too much about car enthusiasts, hell maybe it’s time car enthusiasts started bitching back.

Someone should put a bunch of fake nuts in his yard.

and a shitload of dildos.

never seen the blue ones

The showing of your nuts in public is outlawed, so in a sense “outlawing of nuts on guys” is true (if you show them in public). I don’t see what a girl does with a guy in the future has anything to do with what she sees now as a little kid. I think it’s totally offensive and for children to have to see, it is rediculious.

If those support our troops stickers looked like a set of nuts, they’d probably try to outlaw them too.

I guess the question is. If his daughter saw them and knew what they were and she should be too young to know? who showed her?

If she is old enough to know? whats the point. I mean all in all they aren’t attached to anything. I mean maybe the driver is a dong. But they are just hanging off the back of a truck… if they don’t know what they are then they sure aren’t going to associate it with anything until they are told.

TurboTSI I agree with you in a sense. Kids shouldnt be exposed to that crap but isnt it the parents responsibility to teach them right from wrong after all?

Drexial also made a good point. If shes old enaugh to know what they are who cares, and if shes too young to know than its up to her parents to teach her about life, granted it’s all dependant on age, but Im just so damn tired of everyone trying to be politicaly correct, never speaking their minds and everything allways getting sensored.

But thats not the point I was trying to make.

UGH Im too tired for this. Its time for bed lol.

Maybe ill have a nightmare that im being attacked by a rabid truck nut thanks to this post.
Now was it the Boogeyman that didnt exist or the boogynut?

I think they should outlaw everything. I don’t want to see anything so everything should be illegal.

Delegate Lionell Spruill is a fucking pussy

ive seen tons of blue balls, like da ones yo momma gave meh! nah jk i have no idea who your mother is

thats dumb… next think theyll want farmers to put up solid fences so you dont see cattle sack. legislators are idiotic. they all need to be shot!


And it’s a wonder the guy has gotten as far up as he has.

first vehicle i saw these on was a H1 hummer. i laughed cuz its true. however, seeing them on f150’s and exploders is lame as hell. you just look like trash at that point. in for ban.


My friend that lives right outside of Lockport has a pair on his…Avalanche.:gay2: