Truck nutz, heading to court

And we wonder why the world hates us. :lol:

I can’t stand when people put these on their trucks. It makes me almost throw up in my mouth. The funny thing here though is that the “offender” in question is a 65 year old woman! haha

It’s in the constitution to ban everything that you find offensive.

I hope they get banned…and I hope it opens the doors for banning of all other tastless shit people put on cars.

I really hate them, but at the same time like them. They’re the equivalent of the scarlet letter for douchebags, except they choose to label themselves.


And no more offensive than an Ed Hardy t-shirt.

“He is nuts,” says Jay Bender, a lawyer and professor at the University of South Carolina…


Well played sir!

How will they ever get enough people for a fair jury in SC?

Laywer: Do you have a truck
Juror: Yep
Lawyer: Does it have nuts?
Juror: Yep
Lawyer: Next

I think they are retarded, but to each there own. Definitely not offended by them though. Just think its stupid. Does this mean the females that hang tits from their trucks are going to be introuble too?

Artificial insemination is not fun, if this get banned do we have to blur bulls nuts on TV and farms are now 18+?

“Truck nuts,” fake bull testicles

The South Carolina code of laws reads, “a sticker, decal, emblem, or device is indecent … in a patently offensive way, as determined by contemporary community standards, sexual acts, excretory functions, or parts of the human body.”

im not a fan of “truck nutz” however i dont have anything against them. i think this is absolutely rediculous and i give the woman props for fighting it. its freedom of speech and its her property, let her do what she wants.

it does not suprise me at all that it is someone from south carolina fighting this.

while offensive and tasteless imho, i dont believe they should be outlawed. There are too many mis interpretations of the laws now days.

Ron looks at Bull testicles.

i can’t imagine a plastic pair of tits swinging from the end of a truck, sagging down swinging from the road. that’s far more offensive to me

This. Pretty soon tint and exhaust will be illegal too. oh wait…

I had a set hanging around my .50 cal when i was over seas. I am out of town and can post the photo when i get home.

who cares, this is why this country is going to shit. It your right to have usless shit, Its a freedom of speach.