LCD tv shopping help?

I have a 37" philips and it its fucking fantastic… built in HD tuner is great too, avoiding having a giant set of antennas to pick up the same few channels…

it also has a shit load of audio/video features/options I never knew existed on a television. Picked it up for $900 from dell… definitely not disappointed

and plasma < lcd in my opinion, not necessarily in regards to visual quality, but being able to stick my tv in front of a gigantic bright ass window and have zero glare/reflection… priceless.

having a built in tuner has nothing to do with good or bad reception.


I said I like it because it enables me to pick up HD channels without having bunny ear antennas hooked up… im not referring to reception quality at all lol

forget it, you’re too stupid to understand.

um are you kidding me

whats so hard to understand

built in HD tuner = no bunny ear antennas for free hd channels. that makes me happy.

an absence of an HD tuner (and bunny ears) means NO HD channels. edit: unless of course you have HD service, duh.

your response to that was “an HD tuner has nothing to do with good or bad reception”, which no one said anything about.

read that again. no one said anything about reception quality, but rather whether or not said reception was achievable.

nice try though?



this is the incorrect part.

With traditional TV it is sometimes possible to get TV channels without plugging in an antenna.

that’s what you’re doing with this TV, only with the high def tuner instead of an analog tuner.

many people do need to plug an high def antenna into their hi-def tuner to get channels to come in.

so having a high def tuner does not mean you don’t need an antenna


and plasma > lcd in my opinion, not necessarily in regards to visual quality, but being able to stick my tv in front of a gigantic bright ass window and have zero glare/reflection… priceless.

i think you mean that the other way around.

hmm interesting… thankfully I dont have to have that antenna and I get a bunch of HD channels with fantastic reception…

do you know anything about the music choice channels though? Its kind of confusing… I go to channel 2, then go down a channel and it still says 0 for channel number, but im cycling through free HD channels… then it ends up going through a shitload of “music choice” channels which look like they were made for a resolution of fucking 200x200 or something they look terribad… then once i click through all those, its “audio only” and basically radio broadcasts… all the while, still on channel zero. I dont mind the HD channels of course, but all those other ones make it difficult as fuck to browse the HD channels…

lol yea good catch i didnt even notice that… fixed

and the glare thing is not necessarily true either. I own an LG (the number one seller in the world) plasma which does not have a glass screen. it does not suffer from the glare problem and since plasma is brighter it works even better in front of a window.

also, (didn’t think to mention) if you have cable going from the TV to the cable in the wall then that’s what the TV is using as an antenna.

what lg plasma do you have that doesnt have a glass screen, i thought the 2 plate glass pieces were needed, cpmsodering plasma is glass with white phosphors behind it.

now im confused.

i also own a dell with a LG screen, very nice, some glare but im used to it now.