LCD tv shopping help?

I have a Symphonic 32" LCD TV.
I bought it from walmart when it had black friday sales last year [i work there], it was 499, + I get 10% off.

I also bought a 360 that day, and my tv was a piece of shit [It only displayed green, and various shades of green]
It’s AMAZING for Xbox or any console, and incredible with HD TV and DVDs.

But with regular TV [non HD channels] It’s total shit.
I don’t mind it, but people complain about it a lot.

I don’t care, I got it basically just for the 360, and it works amazing for that.
So whatever floats your boat :wink:
Vizio are actually really nice though.
One of Walmarts most popular TVs.

Just make sure to remember, all the Displays [at any store] are all in HD.
So I mean, you’ll need to watch out what the SD is like… no way to find that out until you hook it up at home :expressionless:
With mine I don’t care, but if it was someone who was picky, I’d have a major shit TV. lol.

Also ;
Contrast Ratios don’t mean a whole hell of a lot when comparing brands.
When comparing INSIDE the brand, it does.

Say you’re looking at a LG TV.
A LG LCD With 1000:1, will be better than a LG LCD With 700:1

But that same LG LCD with 1000:1, may be WORSE than a Sharp LCD TV With only 600:1
Or it could be better, who knows.
It’s not a guarantee unless it’s within the same brand.

It only matters when you’re comparing the same brand TVs.

Oh, yeah.
Samsung are leading the market I do believe.
as far as price/picture quality goes.
Or they were as of a few months ago.

Sony >*
i just bought a 40" Sony Bravia v-series lcd, 13,000: contrast ratio, 1080p, its freakin beautiful.
Compared it to all other makes and it was definaltey the best, Samsung was close however they tend to have a shiney front case which i think would get alot of glare, there was alot in the store, maybe not as bad if in a house with less lighting but i didnt wanna take the chance so i paid alittle more and got a better tv. Go to rosa’s they were the cheapest out of circuit city and best buy with every tv i looked at.


Contrast ratios are BS as there is no industry wide standard for measuring them. Its basically how many shades of grey are between the brightest white and the darkest black and that can be very subjective. Its like comparing dynos.

I am very happy with it while watching movies and playing pllaystaion. I cant wait to add HD service from Direct.

at citigroup we have a couple samsung 42 inch plasmas hanging up.

They run 24 hours a day 7 days a week, and look absolutely great.

Goto speaker shop, no kids working, they know what they are talking about, and the TVS are calibrated. Plasma>LCD still, as per Speaker shop guy Ed… They have a LG plasma for 995 there, my father is picking one of those up. The blacks on the LCD just dont and cant compare to a plasma, so if u like looking at washed out blacks, get a LCD, if you like glare in some cases get a plasma.

my roomie got a 32 for like 600, i got my olevia for pretty cheap off new egg, if i go bigger ill prob go with olevia again :tup:

The “Glare” you speak of is on EVERY Plasma TV. This is because plasma televisions have a glass screen. LCD’s do not have a glass screen, they have what is called a soft screen, and it is not reflective, thus no “Glare”. So if that was the only reason you went with the brand you went with, you were comparing a plasma to an LCD.

And I am no longer going to argue brands with people on here. I see more HD TV’s a week than most of you will see in your life, I know what I am talking about. All you guys recommend is the one you have in your living room (Funny how that works right?). If anyone is serious about an HD TV and not just looking for what the internet thinks is good, PM me. I have zero bias and more HD experience then necessary to make these comments as fact.

samsung ftw

I did a bunch of my own research, and talked to my brother in law who is a TV geek and my best man who is an optics engineer at Xerox and a TV geek. They both agreed that a plasma will give you a touch better color, but the bulb will start to burn out and things will get real dark in 5-10 years. Ever seen some of the TV’s at Amherst Ale House? If you have then you know what I’m talking about. LCD’s will last more like 20 years.

Go to sears and look at them all. I couldn’t tell the difference between a decent LCD and a decent Plasma.

I went Sony. Great reputation, great reviews, we found a good price, built in HD tuner, tons of IO, the picture was amazing. I couldn’t believe when I got it home and turned on the Bills in HD. They’ve never looked so good losing!

But yeah, in general Sony and Samsung seem to be the best. I would trust an LG. I wouldn’t spend $1k of my own money on a Vizio or any other off-brand. That’s a lot of money to get something you won’t be happy with or might shit out in a year or two.

My vote goes to Samsung.

The new 120hz model LCD’s surpass plasma IMO,these TV’s are breathtaking.

nope still nowhere near the black levels of a plasma.

and fry, no offense but your tv geek friend is way off on the longevity on plasma tvs, tell him they last just as long as LCDs or any other tv out there now.

I have a Sony 40" LCD and a 32" LCD. Both are great pictures. Samsung would have been my 2nd choice but I had a hookup on Sonys so thats what I went with. My buddy has a 40" Samsung and when it works its beautiful. He’s had the main board I think replaced twice already. The TV keeps going green in the middle of a show or while playing PS3. I’d be pissed but I’m sure thats not the standard Samsung deal he probably just got a shitty TV.

my plasma doesn’t have a glass screen, guess the brand :smiley:

and seriously, some people in this thread scare me with what they consider acceptable :confused:

Big thing for me is price diff

47" Vizio 1080p LCD with all the inputs for 1289 at Wal-Mart

An Equivacal Samsung, LG, Phillips, or anything is much more expensive for differences that seem almost negligble to me.

Im an audio junky not a tv.

Now 01audis4, Since im going from a 36" CRT SDTV to a 1080P HDTV besides the massive difference in general

How many of these nit picky things am i really going to notice, a lot of people i work with have vizios and are very happy with them.

ignorance is bliss… hamburger is the best beef, until you’re had a good steak…




My bro just told me he has burn-in on his toshiba lcd.
WTF? I thought lcd didn’t get burn-in.
I am looking to buy very soon, 01audis4 any suggestions?

LCDs do get “Image Persistence” problems. do a google on that for all the info you need. It’s not permanent.

I probably won’t buy an LCD TV until it’s LED or organic backlit.