Learn English or go to Jail

[quote=]WILKES-BARRE, Pa. - A judge known for creative sentencing has ordered three Spanish-speaking men to learn English or go to jail.The men, who faced prison for criminal conspiracy to commit robbery, can remain on parole if they learn to read and write English, earn their GEDs and get full-time jobs, Luzerne County Judge Peter Paul Olszewski Jr. said.
The men, Luis Reyes, Ricardo Dominguez and Rafael Guzman-Mateo, plus a fourth defendant, Kelvin Reyes Rosario, all needed translators when they pleaded guilty Tuesday.[/quote]

Full article provided in the link.

:tup: the the judge. Instead of wasting tax dollars letting them rot he’s going to educate them and hopefully turn them into decent citizens.

While I love the idea on one hand, forced education and hopefully a greater capactiy to contribute…

It is really offensive & backwoodsy on the other hand.

Not too mention that depending on the reason for the arrest - this is hardly a slap on the wrist at best.

I’m sure the ACLU will have him disbarred in a week or so.

i dont think learning english is going to deter them from committing another robbery… i’m sure they’ll gladly learn english and get a job just to not get sentenced to jail, though… who wouldn’t

they must have had fantastic lawyers

WILKES-BARRE is such a shithole of a place… seriously

At least i wont wanna punch them in the head when they give me a dumb look for not knowing what they are saying.

yeah it really is. But :tup: for speaking english

the court can save money on translators or maybe even give them jobs translating so they can help their friends.

why would the court give criminals jobs? Thats their problem

so they can translate for their friends who don’t speak english. it’s a win win.

At least its not like germany where you have to be fluent in “universal” german in three years of living there or you get deported.

that judge should be at the border!!

If you cannot speak english fluently you should not be able to become a US citizen /end