innovate is dead on… not gonna lie, mk’s deal is actually great w/ the extra sensor.
Zeitronix ZR-1
Ive had great results with my plx m300, no issues at all.
LC-1 here, works great. The sensor is about 1.5ft after the turbo though.
Innovate, NGK are best ones value for the Dollar. Zeitronix I like the most but they are more expensive as is PLX
AEM UEGO … Had one in the Jetta and now in the Civic. Cost me 170 for everything brand new.
Absolutely the biggest pile of shot WBO2 made. Dumpy just like almost all of AEM’s electronics lately.
I agree with this statement had one in my turbo 900 a few years ago.
+1, I said that in my original post above. AEM’s WB is a huge pile of shit.
I forgot about the PLX, those are awesome too. I believe that’s what Morgan uses when he tunes on the dyno.
Word. Plx or the one Joey had was very good
Well … I’ll stick with aem.
I had an innovative one in my VRT and I didn’t like it, I bought an NGK one for my 1.8t that cameo now has. Id say that the best bang for the buck.
I have q NGK and have replaced the sensor 3 times. Still can’t say I don’t like it, it does what it’s told. You are going to get good and bad opinions all day just buy something.
Chris, are you using Bosch or NTK sensor? The NGK’s used to come with Bosch and now they come standard with the NTK.
Idk what I started with but it went bad and I bought a ntk which was bank, then it went bad and I bought a Bosch sensor that said it had a ntk plug on it and it was cheaper so I bought that and it’s worked fine. How my controller can switch between the two sensors I have no idea