Leaving for LA. "Back From LA! Pictures!" no 56k

Thanks. I need to give you your radio back, by the way.

OH! WE couldn’t find the damn Tar Pits! We drove up and down La Brea several times. It sucked we couldn’t find them.

i wanna go!

nice pics man…specially Hustler!!

Hahaha hustler… we never found the chance to stop and go in though.


One last one. Coming home.

how much did thius trip cost u?

Nice pics

It cost me a fucking ton. lets leave it at that. I wanted to do somethig awesome before I left for the army though. Basically lets say the scion could have been supercharged by now.

hah, please tell me u got laid like a bazillion times at least.

hahaha, thats a real big number. I dont think that many times…

Looks like a good time! :tup:

looks fun. nice pics. i’d love to go out there someday.

nice pics

you payed for most of this?!? and she’s just your “friend” ??

nice pics tho, i love cali

Oh, well a good portion of it would have been paid for… maybe not ALL of it.

WTF Will thanks for inviting me.

Haha Danielle and I needed some one on one time, I dont know if you would have enjoyed that much.

Fun to visit out there. I preferred Huntington and Newport beaches myself.

Could never live there, since you need to make so much money to be anywhere near the beach…

Looked like you had a good time!