Legalize it?

gate·way n.
2. Something that serves as an entrance or a means of access:

I’d venture to guess that a major percentage of those people who have done HARD drugs, aka, coke, crack, meth, heroin, etc etc… spent their first dollars toward illegal drugs on marijuana… I for one would not have the slightest clue where to find those drugs. but as stated before the people i Know who smoke could point me in the right direction. They dont do the hard drugs, but they are acting as my entry point into the illegal world of drugs.

Marijuana can be viewed as the gateway drug, and always will be… whether or not everybody who smokes weed will go onto bigger better things (id venture to say 80% of those who smoke weed will never do hard drugs) that being said, i bet those who do the hard drugs. most likely started with weed. (they probably graduated to different drugs since they couldnt find any of the top shelf weed that Productive Jojo was hording… you know they real sticky shit) :bloated: