Leins and $$$ questions

So is it possible to get the title for a vehicle with a lein on it?

I will be picking up a new vehicle and it has a lein on it and the guy is trailering the car here. He is willing to bring the car here without the title, I pay him, and then he finishes up with the bank and then gets his hands on the title and mails it.

I dont like this idea, and would like for him somehow to get a hold of the title and bring it with the car so its faster and easier.

So my question is, can he get the title before he pays it off telling them its to sell the car?


u can still have the title, but you will need a lein release form and bring it to the dmv when u put the car on the road.


but the real question is, what kind of snky is being trailered to your house?

probably something slow :stuck_out_tongue:

I think you can put the money in an escro service, and once he pays off the bank and sends you the lein release, you okay the money to be sent to him and all is good. I could be wrong though.

Yea, all though escrow costs money to do… best way to do it is both goto his bank, pay it off, get the lien release letter from the bank, get the title, go home and register it… may or may not be possible for you depending on where the person lives, but i would definitly do that if possible

Go to your bank, get a loan for the car, and they will write his credit union/bank a check for the loan amount, they will then release the lein… then pay off the loan. There… the bank actually did something for you for a change.

Sounds shady, because he can trailer the car, drop it off, give it to you, then report it stolen

then you’re screwed

I don’t think this would work with the privacy bullshit…

But, you could contact the bank, and find out what he owes on the car.

Dealerships do this all the time, and to do so, you’d need his name and address info, the car info, and his account # of the loan, and/or his SS# to find out what the total owed on the car is.

This way, you’d know if he was being straight with you, or bullshitting and trying to screw you over.

he should be paying off the lein with your money u payed for the car. getting a 3rd party involved is gonna be your best bet…also like sleepy said u never know but he COULD report the car stolen and u’d be SOL

yeah, I wouldnt want the car without the title - that would be stupid.

But, his bank agreed to give him the paperwork for the sale so he can bring it up with the car. So Im curious, what do I need to register the car here, besides the title and bill of sale? Anything? This car is from out of state

You should get the title from the owner, receipts, and possibly a copy of a ten day lein pay-off or something he should get from the bank. I had to go through this to sell my last car. All I gave the buyer was the title, receipts, and a copy of the 10 day lein payoff from M&T.

Apparentelly I misread, heres the following convo:

HIM: “I spoke with my bank this morning. They are willing to work with me on getting any paperwork we need. They already have the title AT THEIR OFFICE, so I can have it fedex’ed to you and have it in your hand the next day. If you can get in touch with your DMV and find out exactly what form besides the title you can use to register the car, I will get those forms along with a bill of sale to bring you with the car.”

I thought the forms he mentioned, included the title.

But then he responded with:

HIM: "The title will be at the bank until i give them the full amount of the loan which I can do as soon as I get home. I can fedex it to you and have it in your hand overnight after I close the loan. That is the best I can do. I can bring a copy of the title with me if you want to prove that I can get the title.

I’ll do this for you. I will leave the tag that is valid on the car so that you can drive it legally and when you receive the title, just send my tag back.

I hope this eases your mind on getting the car drivable and roadgoing asap, because I’m getting down to the wire onpaying some bills."

Sooo any input from you fellas?

wouldnt recomend his idea of driving the car with his tags! like others have said its best to not take this car without the title

i’ve driven on other peoples tags when i bought cars from out of state, 3 times to be exact :stuck_out_tongue:

I still don’t understand why he does not have the title. Sounds pretty shady to me.

theres a lein on the title, they have to release the title before anyone can register it…

I understand that, but I had the title even when there was a lein on it.

yea but if he gave him that one its not gonna do him any good anyways, i think thats what he means

edit now that i think of it…with it being out of state maybe he DOESN’T have the title…when i got a car from oregon the bank had the only copy of the title cause it had a lein on it, so maybe this is the same situation?

yeah, he physically doesnt have the title, only a copy. But I guess once he returns home, he pays of the lein and gets the title and mails it to me.

I asked him again if he was 100 % that he couldnt get a lein release, then he said hed try again.