Lethal Injection

^ i don;t know… i’m drunk already… we’ll just say something about walking around with their shirts off or something … fuck

edit: and random lyrics

Do you remember
On that night I couldn’t find the words to say I’m sorry
If you recall that night you ripped my heart right out
Before saying I loved you Do you believe in this
Do you believe in me
If you believe in love
Would you believe in me


strap a bomb to them and blow it up.

EDIT: and who give a fuck if they are humane or no. I highly doubt they took that into consideration when they killed someone


I’m with you. I’m pretty sure a grenade in the mouth would be about as cheap and quick (instant death - no pain unfortunatly :frowning: ) as possible.

I’d make a night of it… Mighty Taco, watch the execution, then to a movie. :slight_smile:

In my opinion there are tons of people that are currently alive that shouldn’t be. Chew on that. :shoot:

<— would attend many public stoning

Saddam used to strap C4 to inmates and blow them up in the desert. That was painful to watch.

Its more humane then dropping fucking bombs on people in other countries and blowing them up to pieces. There are so many things 100 times worse then some murderers arm twitching while he falls asleep permenantly… Those people are condemned for a reason and what they did sure as HELL was a lot worse then the fucking fluff gift of a way out they are getting.

WHY is this even being debated? What a bunch of worthless pussies occupying this country. Some guy rapes, beats, dismembers, and peels the skin off a few victims and people are worried the needle might sting???

Are these idiots serious?

This entire country is going down the toilet because of whiny pussies. Real people need to tell the whiners to fuck off… otherwise we will be living surrounded by Mexicans waiting for jobs on every corner while hoping not to get shot by thugs driving by in the Escalade on 22’s on the way to Tops to get $300 worth of shit using food stamps.


This entire country is going down the toilet because of whiney pussies.


the truth

yea so i like the death sentance but i think it makes the person that pushes the button is a murder then so we should have the psyhco do it! that way they don’t create more murders.

I want to be the guy with in the black cloak with the hood and mask. Like back in the day for the hangings or guillotines.

But with a Desert Eagle .50AE right to the brain stem. Why a .50cal? because eliminates any possibility of it not working the first time.

The chair sometimes takes 2 frys.

What if the guillotine gets dull and gets stuck half way through.

Drugs dont work right.

.50cal to the brainstem = Foolproof

now heres a good question for this thread…

If they offered public execution again, would you watch it?

IMO Lethal injection does not = inhumane
however, i am still against capital punishment, because it leaves no room for error if they fuck up.
Look at that Capozzi guy for example, that spent 20 years in jail for rapes that Sanchez did. Now suppose one of the women had died, and they had gotten the death penalty.
What happens then? “Oops, sorry about that, we killed you for no reason. My bad.”

Getting stuck in prison wrongfully for a good portion of your life is bad enough, but killing inmates is too final.

we should do it like the romans did and reinstate the gladiatorial games. let them fight to the death. we could even collaborate with other countries and have global matches…it could be a huge money maker. thats the most humane way, atleast then the criminal gets a chance to fight for his own existance.


yea so i like the death sentance but i think it makes the person that pushes the button is a murder then so we should have the psyhco do it! that way they don’t create more murders.


…what the fuck


What if the guillotine gets dull and gets stuck half way through.


It would be pretty dull for like a 40lbs blade falling 15ft to not make it through someone’s neck. Plus they just need to sharpen it up every couple times.


It would be pretty dull for like a 40lbs blade falling 15ft to not make it through someone’s neck. Plus they just need to sharpen it up every couple times.


in the old times, i think there were stories of it not doing is job and completely cutting through…

louis xvi supposedly had a thick neck and it took two tries

If you were really hated in old times, they would use a dull blade.

Razor sharp and rolling on ball bearings, a modern built guillotine could probably cut through 4 people at once. I still think a better version of the injection is probably the way to go though. Something overly gruesome about beheadings.