Let's have a beer and talk about e46 BMW's shall we?

Neither lol, I had a long talk with my father and ultimately decided that I should just say “fuck it” to car payments, once the Jetta is sold tomorrow I’m taking a neon that is FREE.

I did enjoy finding out that my credit is excellent though, I was surprised. I have another year in Buffalo, I can live with driving a beater for one year. Once I leave, I know I will have the credit and income to get something along these lines.

Right now though, I’d rather save for when I graduate and move.

Good move! :tup:

Now let’s see if you can manage to stick to this decision. lol

I will have to, unless I take out a loan I won’t have random cash to buy another “nice” car haha.

This gives me more opportunity to mod the bike and enjoy my last year in college. Plus, this was the deal breaker: I won’t be working come Fall, student teaching is too time consuming to work a regular part time job.

yep. same decision I made basically.

it definitely sucks hardcore, but will be worth it in the long run. I am glad you decided this because I almost started looking again.

everything happens for a reason, be glad those cars sold.

sounds like a good idea to me!

what is wrong with 323i’s?

They are slow as fucking shit…

^^^which is why theyre still quicker then half the cars out there? its a 2.5l with what around 180hp and still has no problem doing 130 on the highway. compare apples to apples, not apples to oranges.

im not saying the 323 is fast, im just saying that it is pretty good for what it is.

:tup: for smart thinking and not wasting cash on a car right now.

Idk bout most ppl but I want a comfy and nice DD, I don’t need a DD that goes 0-60 in 4.5 seconds, I have a bike if I want speed.

I retract my previous statement, good move. Can’t beat a free car.

No no, the beer was ice cold, I don’t regret it at all lol.

are you fucking serious?

I would rather drive a ‘slow’ 323 than a ‘fast’ accord.


walter, yes i am fucking serious. theyre just as nice as any other e46. and theyre a hell of alot nicer and more comfortable then other cars that you guys are comparing it to. who gives a shit if its not a 330 or an m3? its still better then most of the other crap on the roads.

You’re not biased or anything, are you?

I’d rather drive about 50 other things than either of the pieces of crap you just mentioned. Where did I suggest an accord?

Actually, they aren’t.

Entry level cars have crappy parts, crappier interior materials, less features, and shit-tastic engines, suspensions, seats, wheels and brakes. But hey! You get to pay the same premiums for parts and service though! Sweet!

I never understood the “I want to try soooo hard to look like I’ve got some money that I want to drive a 318/323/etc.”

I’m not saying everyone needs to drive an M3, its just that driving any car that is woefully underpowered makes me want to stab babies in the face. Would nice to be able to accelerate on on-ramps and not worry about getting crushed.

^Because everyone out there is driving 500hp cars…right.

I never had a problem getting onto on-ramps in my first car, it was a 1993 Cutlass Supreme.


I should also add, they also look like fucking garbage.