Lets see your exhaust setup!

by the way, its for sale.

complete with all the wiring and switch that shows green or red to open or close, very stealth.

bolts on between both stock and aftermarket catbacks/downpipes, full 3 inch (but will still bolt to stock nissan stuff)

350$ for the testpipe dump complete with all the wiring etc. all the wiring is heatshrunk with gangster connectors

400$ with either a stock s13 or a stock s14 exhaust (i have both available)

stop getting improper muffler/noisy exhaust tickets and open up when you need to tear someone a new asshole or close it down when you wanna hear the slut thats trying to say something next to you

oh also, you can drive next to a ricer on the highway with it open and when theres a cop car you can close it down and they’ll get pulled over cause the cops will think the noise is coming from them

stop getting owned and start owning, this on a stock sr sounds like JGTC, you can hear the T25 spooling around all the time