Let's talk about Porsche baby

i did not say there was a SET number. but you can look at the numbers through the years and make an estimate BASED UPON PREVIOUS MODEL SALES at where the possible number of units will be IN TOTAL and make a judgement at where sales MAY fall with another model. sometimes the model jumps off and sales skyrocket and they bring a large number of units, bringing unit price down on all vehicles…exclusivity is always on their minds. they DO NOT want everyone driving a porsche turbo, thereby bringing the cars value down, making owners feel at a loss for owning a cheaper car…money is made by setting a cap and coming close or falling just short of that cap or just barely surpass it so as to keep value/demand/desire/exclusivity high along with high price tag rather than loading the streets up with a cheap popular vehicle and saturating the market…itsj ust good business. keep price and demand high