Lets talk about the 09 season NOW

lol silly midlife crisis bastard… he wouldnt have known what hit him.

Should definitely do a monthly meet somewhere, puts names to faces.

lol that was funny

on the way to thatcher it was all one lane back roads.

sounds fun…

Ray is to cool to join

i’d be willing to join.

Should designate a spot then.

No you are.

omg +1, love me some pj’s.

shit-ass parking set-up tho…

Be a good area to cruise to as well.

Pj’s has the best ice cream ever , yummmmmy what about saratoga park, there lots of room to park there… :slight_smile:


pj’s for ulta-high-mega expensive rib-wics and then to the park. the park is beautiful in the summer, would be good for pics/parking

why is that bitch!!!??

Cause you is an elitest poopra owner…hence why bakerian no longer calls me

I’m seriously going to hit you next time I see you.

And that will be never so I will laugh at you via internet since I won’t be able to in person:rofl

ryan want me to hit him for ya

Please do.

Dont make me leave work early.