Letter from insider at Garrett?

Aside from the embarrassing incorrect spelling of the company he works for, I found some inconsistencies.

This ‘employee’ begins by telling us how the turbos are being manufactured in Mexico and how the quality is already horrible, but then he says:

I guarantee in the next 8 months you will see a huge decline in quality

Also, it’s not like he’s making minimum wage at McDonald’s and is telling his friends not to eat there. (If he got fired, it’d be easy for him to find a job at Burger King)

It’s safe to assume that this is his career so his quality of life will depend on this job.

Doesn’t it seem kind of fishy that he’s trying to tell everyone not to buy from Garrett?


So what you’re saying, is you wouldn’t have a few sour stones if your employer packed up its shit, moved its operations to mexico and left you wondering about your future. All to make a few more bucks each quarter.

Put the shoe on the other foot sometime.

My dad’s Western Star turbo has been replaced 7 times in the last 9 years. Its annoying because of down time = lose of money. Upside all warranty and if it wasnt covered its the companies equipment. When he own his Kenworth he never had Turbo issues! Gotta love them big rigs! :slight_smile:

So are HKS turbos affected to an extent? hKS takes a Garret turbo and modifies it, but at the end of the day, it is a Garret turbo at heart.

theres no proof to back up this dudes claim to begin with. most shit is outsourced to other places with cheaper labour. most of the vw’s on the road in canada are made in mexico too.

that doesnt mean that the turbos are shit.

this dude is just pissed off because he lost his job and wants to fuck the company.

for the sake of being correct, Gucci is made in Italy.

Or it’s that time of the month.
Women get emotional you know.


if a woman worked at a turbo company i bet shed get mad cock haha

we should all do our research before making claims that this dude is against the company or whatever. We need more evidence to back up the story

His lack of proper spelling as well as his lack of evidence makes this a hard chunk to swallow.

Either way… Turbonetics

No, no. Dude. I get what your saying. I’m just wearing…the other “other” shoe :stuck_out_tongue:

I see it from both views. Regardless nothing will change the “advancement” of profit in the industries.
Just go with it.

lololololololololololololololololol @ this thread

to the skeptics…


lol some random person tells you something, they have no known reason to lie, so why oh why would it be so hard to believe?

and to say that the things said aren’t at all credible because of spelling and grammar, are you fucking kidding me?

lol how bout this one, your walking around in a building, a random person who seemed to be mentally handicapped, slurs the words “this building is going to explode” to you. PLEASE tell me that your going to stay in that building because the delivery of a very important message wasn’t up to your pretentious linguistic standards.

big mufuckin LOL @ all the speculation

oh and the Garrett turbos that most of you guys are using…

wouldn’t those mostly be Prior to the honeywell buyout? and thus good proper quality?

just curious is all

ahmed could have written that letter for all you know. its just not credible.

and if some retarded person tells me the building im in is going to explode, i will stay in the building, same reason i dont duck for cover when retarded homeless people have signs saying the sky is falling or that god is going to spite me for having premarital sex.

^^ the point is so lost on you

only a fool would disregard things like this,
a message is a message regardless of how its presented.

how so. im saying that someone ranting and raving isnt necessarily right. they could be, but no one really has any idea.

lots of people have bought new t28’s and shit and they are still going strong. i dont know anyone whos had a new garret fail on them yet.

im not even talking about this letter anymore

i just feel that discounting information because of a spelling error imo is absurd.

im not disregarding it because of a spelling error, im just not blindly following it because there is no evidence to support the authors case.