Letter from insider at Garrett?

then it appears ive made a mistake.

not following something, and disregarding something, are two different things for sure.

i thought you had quoted me in regards to my stance on discrediting for spelling/grammer

nopee, im cool with spelling mistakes. i can spell for shiettt lol

i think were on the same page anyway

Either he wants to fuck them or he is actually speaking the truth… and just because its being moved somewhere else does not mean that they wont go threw the same inspections and processes…

Just let more information come out before people jump to conclusions. If its true, there will be tons of complaints and there company will go to shit.

You cant trust a post on a forum. I posted that. I made it all up :slight_smile: it was me

Mark stop being the devil’s advocate always lol

How do you know that he has no reason to lie? Or maybe I missed the sarcasm.

No sarcasm.

I walked thru the hall at work today, a guy walking towards me struck up a random conversation.

He said “man is it ever windy out there”

random guy, unexpected statement. Should I disbeleive this?

No. Because he has no reason to lie.

what if that same man had said “i think your car is on fire”

would you run out screaming while calling the fire department? lol

Nah, I’d investigate his claim.

I don’t know what people you guys associate with or randomly come by, but people dint ussually open their mouths and spew nonsensicle verbal diahrhea at me on a regular basis. Maybe it’s got something to do with my imposing stature or something lol.

I understand what you’re saying. But keep in mind that this is the internet. Think about all the fake videos people make and stuff.

If the guy actually came up to you IN PERSON and told you all that, okay fine…I’d give it a second thought.

Anyways, my 240 is worth over $200,00, if you’re interested in buying it from me, I’ll give it to you for $100,000. Let me know.

the distinction is fairly simple

disregarding something and believing all truth are two extremes.

I am not a jihadist.

This is true says on box assembled in Mexico but as far as quality I’m sure the turbos are fine I’m sure we would hear negative feed back from all the turbos they must sell on a weekly basis