Letter/Offer from my dealer

I got a letter/offer today in the mail from my dealer (Lia Infiniti in Latham, NY).

It reads:

"Vehicle Exchange Program

0% APR Financing Available

Dear Ilya,

Lia Infiniti has been designated as a site to conduct a special test market pricing and financing event. Your vehicle qualifies you for this private sale.

We are in desperate need of acquiring several pre-owned vehicles by the end of this week in order to fulfill special requests. As the owner of a high demand vehicle, we want to exchange your vehicle with a brand new Infiniti. We have been authorized to buy back your vehicle for up to $4,000 over or up to 120% of current fair market value!** Don’t worry - if you still owe on your current vehicle, we will pay it off. If you’re leasing, we’ll help you terminate the lease with no penalties.

In addition, you will receive all factory incentives including rebates up to $5,500 on brand new Infinitis or finance rates as low as 0.0% APR* with your good credit."

Is this just a marketing ploy to try to pitch me or is this actually something legit that members on her have pursued?

My car is in for some TSB service right now, so I’ll be there tomorrow anyway (the start of the event). Should I bother stopping by the sales guys?

I owe $23k on the car and the value of the car according to the bank (I went in to inquire about refinancing a month ago) is $29k. I would love to get out of the 07 and into an 09 or 10. Preferably in white or silver.

Anyone wanna give me some advice? I appreciate it, thanks.

I got the same letter, let me know how it works, prolly b.s

Keep what you got and pay it off. /thread

it’s ploy… the LIA’s are known for that type of B.S. plus that infiinity store right now for them is turning out to be a huge money pit

Saratoga Nissan and Nemith both just sent me similar bullshit letters.

my friend steve, service manager there said they dont regret it 1 bit.

Good to know. Thanks ya’ll.

not on the service side, have you seen what they use to have to work with?

on the sales side it is a much different story, and i get that from more then one of there sales people… they do quite a lot of luxury used cars there…

That is a bs letter that all sorts of dealers send out. Nemer Ford in Queensbury sends out almost and identical letter. Talking about a need for your car…I have an 01 Explorer Sport and they sent me the same letter about 10 times over the last few years! I don’t think there is a lot of people out there looking for an 01 Explorer Sport with 130k miles! Don’t even think about it unless you really want that '10 model…its a way of getting you in there for them to sell you something!

I own two Nissans and see those letters often. I just toss them in the garbage!!! JUNK MAIL…


Done. lol.

yeah F that, keep the car that you have and enjoy it

I hate dealerships lmao… especially ones that do this.

I understand and yes, I used to work there back in the day so yes, I know what they used to work with and it was terrible… There was like $2,500 a month in damage to vehicles becuase the lot was so tight and close togeather and pretty much ZERO parking… And Steve in service is related by marriage to the lias themselves so even though hes in service, he would know if it has benefited them thus far to make the move.

My brother gets similar letters from Albany Dodge regarding trading in his Ram and my parents get them from Fuccillo about trading in their Santa Fe.

I know my brother’s beat to shit 100k mile truck isnt in demand for anybody and '05 Santa Fe’s are pretty common and not in high demand.

FWIW most mailer’s and new car special’s, advertising etc, that the dealership I work for runs are mostly arranged by Upstate Ford Dealers and not the idea/wishes of the dealership itself necessarily… It’s more of a do what Ford wants you to thing, and all the dealerships generally run the same new car incentives at the same time.

Also, I don’t know how it works with other dealers, but essentially the profit on new car sales is moot compared to what can be made on used.

I worked for both Infiniti and Honda…just call Mohammed and see what you can do since your car is already there. …this is just a mailsale s it wont cost you anything t find out right…they are spending a lot of money to do this mailer so the more new cars they sell the more kickbacks they get from infinity

Anybody ever see the service lane behind Nemer VW/Porsche on central? I remember being 17 and getting some bs done on my audi, and then squeezing my dumpy $3,000 car within inches of a bunch of $$$$$$ porsches and audis :ohnoes

lifetime Ban 1!

all I want to know is what does ** refer to in post # 1. They can be important.