i was going to wait to get it, but i got the voyager instead, i dont really like everything touch screen yet. specially when u can crack the screen so easily.
meh… I’ve been up for a phone for a while now to replace my sony-e w810i. I got excited about this for a second – then I read the reviews and decided it sucks… I don’t have an iphone because I’m either at my office, home, or don’t care about internet and thus don’t want to pay for the data plan, but if I was going to get something like this it would be the new iphone which is a LOT better.
I guess I’ll just hang on to my current phone (which I like very much) and see what comes out next.
Ya I just played with the Vu for ATT and its the same thing pretty much. Its cool. I liked the interface but my big turnoff was that it had limited email support that was native and i needed something that could sync with exchange.