LG Dare??

still doesn’t compare to the iPhone

What…the fuck…is with that background?

Verizon. :confused: I’m sick of phones with horrible interfaces.

well for the cost difference it better not…obviously. all these iPhone humpers get annoying saying nothing compares…there’s never been a phone like it…true, but there’s also never been a phone that costs HALF AS MUCH as it…you get what you pay for. comparing the iPhone to any phone like this one isn’t a fair comparison to make at all IMO

yes it is considering the new iphone will be $199…

iphones stink too, they will be 399 and 499 for people without a upgrade

While it is true that it is no iPhone. I really don’t want to pay for the service on the iPhone nor do i want to change carriers. I have had nothing but good results from Verizon. So this is the next best option.

New subscribers and legit upgraders will be getting the new 8GB version for $199, or another $100 on top for the 16GB variety. The asking price for current AT&T customers who are not eligible for an upgrade is $399 for the 8GB model and $499 for the 16GB model.

gtfo with the iphone shit. This isn’t about the iphone. most people do not need all the features of the iphone and an 80/month cell bill so it is a moot issue.

Its a 15 dollar difference per month for the data service. whoopty freaking doo.

15 bucks better spent at the pump for me…


iphone is junk

FWIW, i just picked up the LG Dare on my new-every-two… it’s a pretty phenomenal phone. I’ve barely touched the features… but the texting in both t9 and qwerty is really impressive and easy to get used to.
Made a few phone calls, people can hear me loud and clear, no static or hisssssssss. They come in just fine too.
Interface is smooth, responsive, fast.
the camera takes GREAT pictures (3.2mp). there are a ton of photo options too.
videos record clearly, great sound playback.
i’ve only had it for 2 hours though, so we’ll see how it goes from here.

how fast is fast when referring to the responsiveness of the touch screen? can you still text/dial as fast as once before on conventional buttons?

and how much did it cost you after the 2 year renewal rebate and the mail in rebate…out of pocket, how much?

$100 for the phone after everything.

as of now, the only reason i can’t text as fast is because i’m still pretty new to qwerty. the t9 is fast…but i would say it’s not quite as fast as conventional buttons. I’m an avid t9’er… and the difference doesn’t really bother me at all so far.
The touch screen is exceptionally accurate, particularly in the qwerty mode. i’ve sent about 40 texts so far, and have only had a couple minor typing mistakes.

wife just got the LG Dare. Loves it so far.

just played with the dare a few hours ago with the GF. She loves it. I was actually impressed. Seems like a very solid phone. She will be purchasing this very soon

several hours later… i’m still playing around with it. it’s a lot of fun…hahaha

but really, the feel of the touch screen qwerty has improved for me 100% in just a few hours… it’s really, really nice.

i’m going to get wasted now, so i’ll perform a study on the ease of drunk-texting with this phone, as well as using other features while inebriated.

I just downloaded a ton of songs to hers using the software that comes with it. Was pretty straight forward. The voice command for the music player is cool as hell.

yea i just picked mine up yesterday, been messing with it a bit, but have yet to really get into it, i like the drawing program which u can send thru mesages, and all the editing stuff for pictures is just a nice touch… its definantly solid so far…

didnt read every post but the thing id worry about is texting. I text alot and dont make many phone calls, texting on a touch screen sucks. I have the samsung glyde, its bigger than the dare but smaller than the voyager. Touch screen is fun but still has a QWERTY for texting when needed :tup:

the dare looks like a pimp phone tho