Lifestyle Calculator

I recently came accross this site, thought might be interesting for some of you:

You need to make
after tax approximately
$165297.75 per year
$13774.81 per month
$3110.44 per week
$655.94 per day
$81.99 per hour
$1.37 per minute

hah, these are after tax results. I guess I better get working on my plan to achieve that!

What are your results?

it kind doesnt make sense…i make 2000 a month and i filled out i wanted

$380 000 house
$40 000 car
3 weeks vacation
$200 on food/entertainment per week
$100 on clothes a month
and no kids

it said i need to make $1202 after taxes each month, but i make around 2g every month and could never afford all of that

add this in
You need to make
after tax approximately
$14433.14 per year
$1202.76 per month
$271.59 per week
$57.27 per day
$7.16 per hour
$0.12 per minute

$119507.07 per year
$9958.92 per month
$2248.78 per week
$474.23 per day
$59.28 per hour
$0.99 per minute

From, 1 mil house, 150K cars, 3 weeks of vacation, 100 bux on food and entortainmentz, 150 bux on clothes.

Not bad, I can see myself making that at a point in my life.

You need to make
after tax approximately
$377908.67 per year
$31492.39 per month
$7111.17 per week
$1499.64 per day
$187.45 per hour
$3.12 per minute

12 weeks of vacation haha

and im assuming this is just to break even every year

then what about investments…?

I’d say mine is very very close to accurate.

$64978.9 per year
$5414.91 per month
$1222.72 per week
$257.85 per day
$32.23 per hour
$0.54 per minute

Yeah - that seems about right…

$102080.37 per year
$8506.7 per month
$1920.86 per week
$405.08 per day
$50.64 per hour
$0.84 per minute

You need to make
after tax approximately
$253655.8 per year
$21137.98 per month
$4773.08 per week
$1006.57 per day
$125.82 per hour
$2.1 per minute

1.5 Mil dollar house, 500k worth of cars, 8 weeks of vacation, 500 a week on food and entertainment, 2k/month in clothes, and 2 kids.


You need to make
after tax approximately
$56293.32 per year
$4691.11 per month
$1059.28 per week
$223.39 per day
$27.92 per hour
$0.47 per minute

Mine seems a little low. Oh well, I’m ahead of the game!

Maybe in a few years :dunno:

You need to make
after tax approximately
$67461.39 per year
$5621.78 per month
$1269.43 per week
$267.7 per day
$33.46 per hour
$0.56 per minute

Oh yea, also keep in mind that is combined household income (not an issue if you plan to be single forever I guess), but all you people putting in a number for children should prolly consider making the wife get a job too, unless you’re into her nailing the gardener while you work your ass off kinda thing.

I was trying to be VERY real with this one
350000 House
65K Cars
2 kids
200 week entertainment
150 month clothing
4 weeks vecation

If I have no kids I can spend another $100000 on a house

You need to make
after tax approximately
$56390.55 per year
$4699.21 per month
$1061.11 per week
$223.77 per day
$27.97 per hour
$0.47 per minute

I don’t think these calculations include taxes or insurance or gas for that matter, it’s the bare minimum to own those assets. grrr… must work even more now

Hahaha ya, it does seem that way,
I am pretty simple, I do not need much overall to be happy, Just a few toys and that is about it


im screwed

You guys need to spend more on clothing, I put 5000$ a month on clothing! lol (650k house and 150k car and no babies, no vacation and 1500 a week on food and entertainment.)

Really??? $1500 a week for food and entertainment??? My uncle does not even spend that much money and he brings in much over 1M a year.

i know this is just for fun but this calculator is way inaccurate. It doesn’t take into effect, cable bill, phone bill, internet, hydro, gas, water.
Coming from a person that actually owns his own house, has a kid and 3 cars, I entered it all with the current prices of my stuff and it says I only need 30, 000 a year. Well our household income is about 75, 000 after taxes and I can tell you for a fact I don’t have 35,000 a year to waste

About the same for me, minus a few bucks here and there.


You need to make
after tax approximately
$120205.6 per year
$10017.13 per month
$2261.93 per week
$477.01 per day
$59.63 per hour
$0.99 per minute

That’s about what I’m shooting for. Only difference would be I’d charge upwars of $100/hour = less hours needed.

$1 M house
$130K cars (3 - one for me, one for the wife, and a toy)
4 weeks vacation
$300 food/entertainment
$200 clothes, that’s if I decide to spoil the kid or wife, more realistivally for myself would be like 50-100 lol.
1 Kid

You need to make
after tax approximately
$24623.79 per year
$2051.98 per month
$463.35 per week
$97.71 per day
$12.21 per hour
$0.2 per minute