Lifter roller question

I cleaned my Comp lifters and soaked them in oil like you’re supposed to, but the roller on some of them seems to stick a little, like the needle bearings are binding or something.

Think this is a problem, or they just need to wear in? Of course Comp is closed today, and if I have to return them, I’m down until I get new ones. Crap.

pump them up manauly ,put a pushrod in,pump it up & than check them!

Doesn’t seem to make a difference.

I’m talking about the roller part that follows the cam. Wouldn’t the bearings in there be separate from the internals of the lifter anyway?

yup,they’ll losing up!

Hmmm… I also had one lifter that didn’t want to go into the lifter bore - kind of tight. Tried a different lifter and it goes in fine, so it’s not the bore.

Think I need to call Comp on Monday. So much for firing it up this weekend.

Oh, and I got my O2 extension the day after I ordered it!

sorry to here,shit like that sucks,:cool: on the o2