Lighting Problem

So the other day I was rewiring my stereo and all of a sudden my dash didn’t light up anymore. I checked all the fuses and all is good. I don’t know what else it could be. Just the light behind it??? Also the all the a/c buttons don’t light up anymore either. Any thoughts on what it could be.

You Blew your TCU by grounding your Ill. wire (blue/red)

You should have used a Nissan Interface Harnes.

What is the TCU and how can I fix it?

i had the same problem, there is two metal prongs for the fuse connection, bottom left, my prongs came out with a fuse, no gauges at night and no illumination of the push control unit, exept the green lights on the buttons themselves, im planning on wiring an inline fuse on the leads on the back of the fuse block

I have a somewhat related problem with dash lighting I cannot explain

On my climate control pannel the all the lights work except for the ones that you use to direct air flow they sometimes work and sometimes dont. Dose not seem like there is any reason why they do this just sometimes they are on and then they dont work at other times. I would be interested to know whats the deal there. I took the unit out and cleaned out whatever crud I could find in there but no change. I have a S14 BTW.