mai bro is looking for a full time job in the summer and part time until july
hes 15, has casher experience and hard worker
any ideas were to work?
mai bro is looking for a full time job in the summer and part time until july
hes 15, has casher experience and hard worker
any ideas were to work?
Unfortunately thats the best place to start… or Wal-Mart (please dont make me go back…)
Theres nothing but jobs around here. Pick up a paper, look online, drive around and look for help wanted signs.
Grocery Stores as a stock boy, once you learn your shit its the slackest thing you can do at 15. I worked at IGA for 3 years and it was some of the best times of my life and I met some really cool ppl along with some douchebag bosses but I would never reccomend mcdonalds.
I’m a car detailer. For a good half an hour today all I did (and the rest of my coworkers and supervisor) did was stand around and drooled over Norm’s car. Now THATS slack.
lol fuck man can u hook me up with a weekend job then LOL
I Have Been In Auto Parts Since I Was 15 (17 Now) Started at Canadian Tire (Sucked Ass)
Then Went To Partsource. Its THE Slack Job. I Watch Our Plasma TV And Talk About Cars All Day. Its A Solid Industry To Get Into.
warehouse… go to the west end every warehouse over there is hiring + they pay 18$ an hour full time ( west foods ) safewa is 15 $ construction possibley?