linix help

ok installed ubuntu, cause gay windows wont run stable on my 3rd computer for some reason

anyway, install went fine, wireless installed great, everything runs 100%

only shitty thing is i cant save things to anywhere other than my desktop, tried going in to root and file system and adjusting the properties, says i’m not the owner of these files blah blah , cant enable write and such

what to do?

i’m not a noob at this, but its been about 6 years since i’ve really touched this OS

Ubunto gnome? Press alt + f2 and type gksudo nautilus

I think in gnome thats the command so that you can just drag and drop, but don’t quote me cuz its been awhile since I’ve touched that version.

Also are you logged in as root?(su) Or i think in ubuntu its called sudo.

not sure what i’m logged in as, when it boots, just comes to a type username in and then PW

could i just type in root and log in that way? maybe thats my problem heh

will try those commands as soon as my memory test is done :slight_smile:

the problem is that u must be root(administrator) to write files to the root of ur drive

the answer in the end is that u just cant AND dont want to save files there.

just save the files in ur home folder, theres really no reason not to

if for some administration purposes u need to save a file to the filesystem u should do it through ur unix shell

ahh i see now, so just make folders under my username in “home” and thats where i should throw all my stuff?

didn’t see that before or didn’t realize I was able to write to it

I think this comp is overkill for ubuntu, 1.6P4 1gb ram and a 128mb radeon 9700 pro lol

You got probblems cause its linux not linix

yea i realized I typo’d that after i made the thread rofl

yep, create folders inside ur home folder and u will have full permissions

oh and search google for automatix 2.0

get it and use it to install programs, its got a lot of useful shit

oh and, i think that setup is nice for an ubuntu machine