We have an HP-UX box here. I usually just walk past it with a frightened look on my face. It scares me.
Most of our servers get rebooted every 3 months or so for Windows updates, driver updates, firmware, etc…
We have an HP-UX box here. I usually just walk past it with a frightened look on my face. It scares me.
Most of our servers get rebooted every 3 months or so for Windows updates, driver updates, firmware, etc…
Ha my linux based Juniper SSL VPN has been up for over a year. I am scared to reboot it.
I thought all Juniper stuff was BSD based?
oh jesus nerd.
I thought you had some new l33tness Juniper port for Linux.
unix != linux
get with the shit
is juniper open source?
Not really?
oh, it’s actually an OS?
I figured it was an application running on top of an OS
JunOS is based on FreeBSD I know they changed around all of the networking stuff I don’t know what else.
Ya its actually an OS. The part that blew me away was you can log into JUNOS as root and go completely into the OS. You can run it on a virtual machine thats hacked together. Some guy got it working and was passing around a CD for it during one of the encryption and security threat response classes in NYC I was at for work.
I probably should try to find it.
that sounds reliable and secure
Haha well the first thing you have to do is change the password to something before you can write the config. It doesn’t prevent the idiot setting it up from making the password like “password” or “root”.
I still wouldn’t trust it…