linux wins

so sick

linux ftmfw =]


What mod is that? I need to know more.

That is so fucking cool… i want that… more info please

That looks like it could be Ubuntu Ultimate. All realitively easy to setup, I have done something similar to that.

My mac can do that shit y0!


On a side note, Linux was one of my all time fav. open sourced operating systems. We managed to install them on all the workstations at Best Buy for our computer department. Repairs, and “fun” time went way quicker.

Neat! Get’r Done…

macuser: I’m tired of all you windows elitists, name ONE thing that my mac cant do that your windows machine can!
pcuser: right click.

But yeah, that cube idea is pretty creative, esp. considering the fact that you can boot up windows on one face, which completely takes care of any compatibility issues you can potentially bitch about. :stuck_out_tongue:

macs can right click… lol

Yea I love the unlimited amount of NO issues with compatibility.

the only issue i would think this would have is ram. imagine running a high fps game on windows and other stuff on the other sides…laggg killls.

  1. install linux
  2. install compiz
  3. enable 3d cube, wobbly windows…ect
  4. set cube opacity slider BOTH to 25.
  5. use a skydome and check off “animate”
    heres a link to some i have made, on my server,
  6. Install atlantis “fish” plugin
    you can get it here:
    (extract to your home dir, go into that directory inside a terminal, type “make” then “sudo make install”

whew… that should be it… everything else is just tweaking for days however you like it.

also since everyone is asking constantly,
the 1st song is SNES Donkey Kong Country (water level), and the 2nd Song playing is Arno Cost & Arias - Magenta

ooohhh pretty…


stop posting this shit in car chat.

well shit man, every time i post car related things they get moved also…