little squeak coming from the front???

for some reason, when i start from a stop, and go to take off, you can hear this high squeak noise coming from the front end, kinda like something is rubbing, and once you continue to go faster, it goes away… any ideas… also its a 94 accord…

not a belt squeel right?

brake screecher touching the rotor

i was thinkin the same thing, and i know for a fact its not the betl… i guess ima just gonna have to take the wheel off, and just spin it freely, until i can find where the hell its comin from… thanx again


are you sure it is not a belt? on hondas there are accessory belts, i’m not sure if you have a/c or power steering, but there is atleast one for your alternator, i have the same problem with my integra, my squell is from the belt

belts would rpm related, not speed related.

i think what he means is when hes at idle until he starts to accelerate a bit, thats my problem with mine, it squeks at idle and when i’m accelerating, but once i get past 1500 rpms, its gone