Squealing Noise...mmmm....Help?

Question for you guys…

The cars been starting up normally ever since I bought it, but for the past, eh maybe 2 months now it’s been starting with a loud obnoxious squealing. This noise goes on till the RPMs reach about 2500 and then it stops, unless its cold and then it’ll go on forever. Once the engine heats up enough the noise stops, though lately its been making the noise well after the car has been running and driven for awhile. I’ve replaced 2 of the 3 belts (WP to ALT, ALT to PS i think), tightened the belts correctly and yet the noise still comes back. I’m beginning to think it might be a pulley going bad. Something I’ve noticed though is that when the noise happens after driving for a bit, I turn off the air in the car and the noise stops, but then comes back after stop and go traffic. This doesn’t work all the time though. So…my question is what exactly could be causing this noise? Might it be a pulley, or a timing belt, or idk? Any insight would be appreciated.

Idler pully or a worn belt.

what he said


yeah, with my luck its probably the 3rd belt i didn’t replace, its the WP to ? belt, and its a pain to get, but i think its the pulley tho, because the noise doesn’t sound like its coming from the belt (i used the hose to ear method to pinpoint the noise)

Grab a screwdriver, touch the metal end to the non-rotating portion of the pullies, stick your ear to the other end, and listen for a “whirrrrrrrr.” Sounds to me like a water pump or idler failing.

Do DSM’s engage the A/C when they’re defrosting? If so try switching it out of defrost and see if the noise goes away. Might be that third belt driving the A/C compressor? :shrug:

Ahh…you may be right on that…I’m going to check right now.

I’m guessing AC belt as well.

It’s the bracket that holds the PS pump. This is normal on a 2G. You need to remove the bracket and bend it back into place. It is poorly designed. It bends under normal load from the ps belt tension.