Hey I was just wondering if there were any spots where people hang out with there cars at night. In theres always like 10-15 people hanging out at the walmart parking lot, almost every night. It gets big on the weekends. Are there anymore local parking lots around here that draws a crowd??
hanging out gets you in trouble. so why draw attention to yourselves. and usually there are alot of assholes like ricers there that disrupt the area and just simply trash the spot. majority of ppl that are into cars dont hang out with those ppl. select groups hang out
i can vouch for that sunday nights in st pete use to be a select few of us then the ricers and the people who love loud systems came and guess what 2 weeks later 9+ cops out
I used to hang out in parking lots… when I was 18. :ugh2:
The VIP lot in South Park and the Taco Bell in Monroeville were big hang out spots like 4 years ago. Might want to check those out. That’s all I can think of.
i’ve seen people out in robinson town center in the pep boys lot, also south park now and then. there’s also a lot of people in the strip dist. on friday and saturday nights. there was ricers and all kinds of different people. they were drag racing by heinz field for a while but i think that’s been shut down for obvious reasons.